Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Devas are sparks of intelligence in Nature. As such, they maintain both the structure and health of all life forms on this planet.
We live in a big Universe, with many variations on the theme of Divinity expressing itself as form. All beings in creation originate from the silent field of Pure Being. Some beings – such as humans, animals, plants, etc., – manifest to the physical level of density. Others manifest only to the etheric or causal levels. And some remain right next to the field of Pure Being.
Devas are not bound by space or time. As such, they can work at any dimension of the Universe – from subatomic to intergalactic. Further, their work can even take place in several locations and times, all at the same time.
Devas and Energy Healing
Dorothy offers energy healing for humans and also for physical structures and locations. One of the purposes of a locational healing is to re- establish the connection between a man-made structure and the devas which reside inside and outside of that structure. (You can request this service for your home, apartment, business, or any location you desire.)
In the context of the human body, it is constructed by these devic intelligences while in utero. They remain with the body throughout the course of its lifetime to support health. To illustrate further, every cell has a deva. Every organ and organ system has a deva. When a particular area of the body suffers illness, it is possible to make an appeal to its overseeing intelligence of that area. (It can happen that a deva requires an upgrade or a healing of some kind. Often this can be the event that restores health to the suffering area.)
Humans and Devas “Share” the Earth
Humans live primarily on the surface of the Earth. Therefore, this realm is our sphere of responsibility. Devas, however, live primarily in the Earth’s crust. They are responsible for much of the activity surrounding the growth of plants, movement of tectonic plates, water cycle, vortexes, and more.
There have been times in history when devas and humans lived in better coordination and communication. Even today, there are places where the people and the local devas are better coordinated. However, there are many places where they don’t even acknowledge each other. Here is more information about earth devas.
Locational clearings can help to improve this imbalance.
Healing at Niagara Falls: The Deva (Divine Being) of the Falls
(Estimated viewing time: 4:43 minutes)
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