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Falling: an energy healing perspective

Falling happens when the next step on your life’s journey, spiritual or material, requires a restructuring of your base. For most people, falling is a rare event, as are life events that require core restructuring. It is not always obvious how much of a personal change a life transition will require.

The fundamental principle is to slow down. Approaching times of transformation with an emphasis on the inner requirements, rather than outcomes supports graceful navigation through change. A balanced, healthy foundation creates the context for maximum material success. Be in a rush to stabilize the foundation, not the results of action.

At its deepest level, falling represents losing your anchor to the Source of creation, aka “Falling from Grace.” It happens when the dynamics of separation shroud the anchor to your true Self. The dynamics of separation, however, are not actually an enemy. Difficulties arise to stabilize such a high integration with Divinity that the connection cannot be shaken even in the roughest moments.

Falling commonly occurs when one feels overwhelmed, or life feels out of control. Getting hurt forces rest. Rest provides a context for attending to the inner structures that underly outer behavior. An orderly inner field provides outer stability.

Falling creates a situation where one is forced to step back and reflect. Realignment with life’s highest goal ensures safety from future falls. This resetting actually fulfills many needs, great and small at the same time.

A little healing for falling:

Awareness is focusing on the anchor. It resides within the Cord of Light and the upper chakras 6-12. (Chakras 8-12 are above the head.) The Causal Body is folding an integrative light medicine into the upper chakras and the cord of light. Divine Being responds with bliss. Lots of energy is activating in the area just above the head and the crown. This blissful light is completely luscious. Offering this light back to Divine Being again and again. Offering means: awareness settling into the Source of creation and connecting this experience with Totality


Healing for Balance and the Musculoskeletal System

(Estimated viewing time: 11:19 minutes)

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And if you would like assistance with healing, click on Energy Healing Services for more information.