Prana is the vital energy or life force that permeates everything in the body and in the entire body of the Universe.
As the life force energy, prana is found in fresh, whole, pure, organic foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. All pure, brightly colored foods that are alive radiate energy. These high prana food gives us a dynamic, wholesome energy.
When that energy gets absorbed into our system, we feel good; we feel dynamic and energized. Our mood improves and we also tend to feel good about ourselves. Not only do we feel good after eating high energy foods, our bodies and minds are also better off in the long term.
As mentioned above, high prana foods are fresh foods. On the other hand, low prana foods are highly processed or left-overs from some previous meal. High energy food is also prepared and served with love. Conversely, low energy food is cooked with no thought to its life-giving, energetic value.
Paying attention to a dynamic energy diet makes good sense for anyone concerned with maintaining their mental and physical health.
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