My Story
My name is Dorothy Rowe. This is my story. Like most children, I was clairvoyant and had refined perception. I knew intuitively that I would become a healer someday. At that time, experiences were deep, but words were few.
Due to rebelliousness as a teenager, I temporarily lost connection with the finer realms of creation. However, in my mid teens, our family learned to meditate. Meditation practice and improved lifestyle choices purified the blockages which had temporarily blinded my inner vision.
Shortly out of high school, I relocated to Iowa. There I dedicated myself to meditation and devoted service to world peace. This was my path for three and a half decades. During those years, I had countless experiences of spontaneous healing for myself and others.
Health Crisis
In 2007, my father died. My spiritual teacher died a few months later, and a big shift occurred. Years of overwork and crushing grief led to a health crisis. Before I could help others, I had to heal myself.
During the ‘taking care of me’ period, I had an experience which spurred a major internal shift. It happened while was walking through the mall with my family. I was feeling very delicate, vulnerable and physically uncomfortable as I had for some time when suddenly – within the space of about 5 seconds – several experiences unfolded sequentially.
Experience at the Mall
- First, a feeling of deep abiding peace came over me. I felt the best I had in months, maybe years.
- Then I noticed a gentle noise, like whispering, superimposed over the sound of human voices. I quickly realized it was the thoughts of those around me. Amazingly, I could tell which thought was coming from which person.
- The thoughts and, more importantly, the feelings of everyone were clearly available in this new heightened state of awareness.
- My vision changed too. Multidimensional beams of light overlaid the field of existence, like a grid or web. These filaments of light wove in and out of the people, and illuminated other details about them.
- I could see microscopically and cosmically at the same time.
- Time took the form of an ever present ‘now’, revealing ancestors, past lives and so forth. I saw many things for which I had no description.
Although this experience sounds complicated, it actually felt very, very simple.
I turned to my husband and mentioned that the mall seemed utterly transformed. Did he also see it? He glanced at me curiously, and said the mall looked the same to him as always.
The experience lasted only about 10 -15 minutes, then gently faded away. The feeling of peace, however, remained.
These heightened audio and visual perceptions returned again a few months later, lasted longer, and continued to come on and off from that time forward. I kept this experience very private, however, for fear of ridicule or misunderstanding.
Path to Recovery
Meanwhile, I was still struggling with my health. But fortunately one experience led to another, resulting in my complete healing. I owe much to a dear old friend who knows a great deal about energy healing. He spent countless hours with me. He taught me how to use my hands to heal, gave me points of reference, and terms to make sense of my experience.
My health really improved after that and I stopped requiring daily doctor appointments. The healing was a gradual but consistent process. As I healed, my ability to help others evolved too. I was able to see into any physical body; helping others was as easy as helping myself.
Full-Time Energy Healer
We kept all this a secret within our family for about four years. One day, however, the secret slipped. Soon many people were coming to receive support for their concerns. (All kinds of beings came for healing too—animals and nonphysical beings.) Such beautiful results came from this work. It didn’t even feel like work. It just was an endless act of surrender to God, who acts within each person to affect the precise change they need to feel whole again.
There seems to be no end to the growth of this healing modality. It is constantly evolving. Every week, new and wonderful enhancements come. More knowledge floods in all the time. And the more I serve, the more profound the process becomes. In 2015, I started a Dorothy Rowe YouTube Channel and was interviewed by Rick Archer for A Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview. In addition to personal consultations, I now offer distance healing sessions and energy healing webinars, as well as several other specialized healing services.
I owe all the credit for this to God, and to the eternal tradition of wisdom which bridges the gap between the Source of creation and all that exists at the surface of life. All of this is That.
Love and gratitude,
Dorothy Rowe
Videos and articles on other webistes sharing more of my story and approach to energy healing:
Video interview by Rick Archer on Buddha at the Gas Pump
Video interview by Tricia Barker on Be the Light of Your Own Healing
Video Interview by Gareth and Eva on Endless Possibilities Podcast
Article on MysticMag about Unfolding Your Maximum Healing Potential
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