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Energy Healing Services Offered by Dorothy

Dorothy’s energy healing services include webinars, workshops, distance healing sessions, personal consultations, and surgery support sessions.. If you already know what you would like to order, please use this link.

Energy Healing Webinars

Dorothy holds live healing webinars on health, relationships, and manifestation every month. These 75-minute live sessions are broadcast via Zoom videoconferencing.

Each live webinar includes healings and energetic transformations for participants. And she also provides explanations of the mechanics behind the process.

Join Dorothy and enjoy the knowledge, healing, and energetic transformations she offers in each webinar. You will also get to explore the fascinating laws of energy healing – laws that allow you to improve your health, relationships, and manifesting abilities in easy and natural steps. Here is an example of an energy healing webinar.

Distance Healing Sessions

This budget-friendly option is Dorothy’s most requested energy healing service and perfect for those who need immediate attention.

During a distance healing session, the light of Pure Awareness illuminates areas requiring change. So in these sessions, each person receives what they need from their own genuine connection to Source.

Enjoy short, ongoing doses of healing in these distance healing sessions. No prior experience is necessary.

Dorothy’s Energy Healing Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive workshop, meticulously crafted to demystify energy healing. This workshop integrates all aspects of energy healing into a harmonious whole. Join us for an immersive adventure, featuring live sessions, exclusive videos, and a wealth of materials accessible via our private website section.

The upcoming 11-lesson workshop starts April 2024 and runs until September 2024. It’s time to transform your life!

Personal Healing Consultations

Personal energy healing consultations with Dorothy Rowe are available at $600 for a 90-minute consultation. Waiting time can be long, so Dorothy also offers a less expensive and faster option: Distance Healing Sessions which can start within 2 to 4 days.

“During each consultation, my perspective gets added to yours and then a multidimensional picture forms. Divine Intelligence identifies the source of the imbalance or illness, and transforms it while I merely report. All this happens because healing can occur anywhere in the continuum of the body.” – Dorothy

Surgery Support

This service is to support the smoothest possible surgery experience. It includes energy work support before and during your surgery. In addition, you will receive 10 consecutive days of Distance Energy Healing sessions. This service not only engages your greatest healing potential at the time of surgery, it supports fastest recovery.

Dorothy’s Newsletter

Every issue contains a free energy healing, news of recent videos, and announcement of webinars. This is the best way to keep informed about Dorothy’s offerings!


Dorothy has helped thousands of individuals develop their energy healing potential, and now has clients on six continents. Click on the link below to read some of her testimonials.