- These healings are activated as you read or listen to them because energy healing takes place outside the constraints of space and time. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
- Even though Dorothy Rowe performs the healing at one point in time, anyone from that time forward can benefit from the healing.
- Additionally, the healings become more powerful over time as more and more people participate.
- Also, the same person, coming back more than once to the same healing, will receive ever-deepening layers of benefit from the healings.
- If you would like to be notified when new healings are added to this page, please sign up for Dorothy’s newsletter.
Table of contents
- Healing: Total System Collapse
- Healing: The Context Of Heaven
- Healing: Liberating From The World’s Darkness
- Healing: Fortifying The Boundaries
- Subcellular Healing For Digestion And Immunity
- Healing: The Lap of God
- Healing: Stretching Goals And Purifying
- Healing: Shaking Out The Stresses
- Healing: Coping with Loss
- Healing: The Soul Center
- Healing: Light Dissolves The Seeds Of Suffering
- Healing: Healing Intentionally
- Healing for Dullness And Hypersensitivity To Stress
Healing: Total System Collapse
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
- Clearing impressions and memory patterns associated with ‘whole system collapses’ from the renal system, circulatory system, and nervous systems. Clearing the actual form of the scar tissue, physical, mental, and emotional. Clearing the living presence of a total collapse from the astral and causal bodies.
- Clearing from the emotional body the presence of “total collapse”. Also clearing this from the renal, circulatory, and nervous systems. Clearing impressions and memory patterns from past lives of being overwhelmed by loss and grief.
- Clearing the illusion that an authority is needed to successfully connect to the Divine. Under that clearing self-hatred and resolving disappointment for accepting that lie in the past. This belief can only be held if there is doubt in one’s own connection to the Divine. This belief is a karmic mother thread.
- As it unravels, a whole knot of karma also resolves. This is the core piece that’s being cleared from the renal system, circulatory system, nervous system, and emotional bodies. It’s also clearing from the solar plexus chakra, and its energy field.
- Clearing frustration and disappointment in oneself for being fooled. Soothing the nervous system with a cooling light medicine in the moments when you realized that you weren’t as smart as you thought that you were.
- No matter how smart, or good, or high vibrationed we are, even the tiniest bit of arrogance corrupts. Resolving forever the belief that one is smart enough to know which authorities to listen to, when, in fact, any authority that is not God is fallible. No human authority is perfect.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
Clearing lack of trust from the life force in the whole range of the body. Clearing the hooks that hold a lack of trust in place. These are clearing from the heart energy center, physical heart, solar plexus, and throat. Trust is lost in the moment that you realize you’ve been lied to. Offering attachments to outcomes, expectations, and disappointment from unkept promises to the Source of creation. Stabilizing the habit of witnessing attachments and expectations without being gripped by them. Discernment increases. God decides outcomes. We witness these, rejoicing in the glory of the creation. Attachments to Divine will are secured. God is consistent, ever-present, Absolute. You will not be disappointed. Putting trust in anything less than God only wastes resources.
Clearing anger from the kidneys. The adrenal glands activate as expectations shatter. Unprocessed anger in the kidneys determines the severity of the reaction. Resolving anger in the solar plexus area, including organs that produce metabolic heat. A chain reaction can occur when expectations collapse. The beliefs, understandings, personalities, and relationships around a big disappointment also destabilize. There is the potential for the entire system to collapse. “Whole system collapses” are some of the roughest experiences in the human condition. They nearly always overwhelm the nervous system to such a degree that emotional scar tissue, blind spots, and other subtle and gross blockages result. Our bodies defend against full system collapses as much as possible, but for everyone there have been times in the past when this happened.
Energetic scar tissue blocks the flow of Truth, love, and Divine presence. Clearing impressions and memory patterns associated with ‘whole system collapses’ from the renal system, circulatory system, and nervous systems. Clearing the actual form of the scar tissue, physical, mental, and emotional. Clearing the living presence of a total collapse from the astral and causal bodies. This presence returns to the Source of creation where the light of Truth shines upon it. It is recognized as being born of arrogance.
Arrogance in all of its forms is clearing first from the astral and causal (noetic) bodies. Arrogance stands upon the illusion that we as humans can somehow usurp the authority of God. Sometimes this comes in big, showy, fully formed ideas, and sometimes it comes in small, subtle, quiet ways. It is not that you are arrogant as a person. It is that in some isolated situations and conditions, there are impressions of confusing intimacy with Divinity for identification as God. Where the human soul meets Divine, unity dominates. At the material level, there is no question that we are very small and God is Eternal. Humble, witnessing acceptance of the Truth puts this fundamental relationship into perspective. The Nature of this relationship comes as a download into the three systems mentioned above, establishing such stability that no collapse can overwhelm you again.
Clearing from the emotional body the presence of “total collapse”. Also clearing this from the renal, circulatory, and nervous systems. Clearing impressions and memory patterns from past lives of being overwhelmed by loss and grief. Clearing from these same areas, the scaffolding that locks in attachments to outcomes, not born of Divine will. Clearing the illusion that “I am always right.” Clearing fear of self-rejection if you are wrong. Forgiveness and self acceptance flow to the whole body like a soothing light. This light penetrates to the subcellular level of the body. Clearing habits of projecting the responsibility for outcomes onto others. Forgiveness and acceptance extend to those individuals who willingly or unwillingly accepted responsibilities for your experiences. Eternal love blesses their hearts. The importance of material gains is placed in perspective. Nothing is more important than being in the Lap of God. This connection is further stabilizing in the heart center.
Clearing the illusion that an authority is needed to successfully connect to the Divine. Under that clearing self-hatred and resolving disappointment for accepting that lie in the past. This belief can only be held if there is doubt in one’s own connection to the Divine. This belief is a karmic mother thread. As it unravels, a whole knot of karma also resolves. This is the core piece that’s being cleared from the renal system, circulatory system, nervous system, and emotional bodies. It’s also clearing from the solar plexus chakra, and its energy field. The astral body is shaking off the presence of this old karma and accompanying beliefs. The life force and forms return to the Source of creation.
Awareness digs into the anger associated with deeply overwhelming experiences. There is a big beautiful block of anger in the noetic and psychic levels of the physiology. For some people it manifestes through the physical body to appear as illness. Clearing incredulousness and more arrogance from the noetic body. At this level, all forms exist as presence. Think of them as unwelcome visitors. This body is merely a pitstop on the way to a more attractive event. Incredulousness and arrogance return to the Source of creation where they fully resolve in the light of their relationship with Totality. There is no room for these feelings when the Truth of Divinity is fully recognized.
Clearing frustration and disappointment in oneself for being fooled. Soothing the nervous system with a cooling light medicine in the moments when you realized that you weren’t as smart as you thought that you were. No matter how smart, or good, or high vibrationed we are, even the tiniest bit of arrogance corrupts. Resolving forever the belief that one is smart enough to know which authorities to listen to, when, in fact, any authority that is not God is fallible. No human authority is perfect. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It doesn’t matter how smart they are. Hindsight is always 20/20. This is a wash for the whole system. Steadiness supports optimal navigation through a situation riddled with deception. This includes placing attachments in anything in the material field in their proper place and perspective. Prioritizing intimacy with Divinity is everything. Anything that is not that is necessarily less than that.
Things of this world are still important and worth your time. Without them there is no context for achieving the goals that our soul has incarnated to achieve. This is a deep cleansing of the foundation responsible for maintaining steadiness in the most extreme circumstance when everything collapses at once. Your potential as a soul is to arise from such a massive restructuring shining brightly in the light of Truth! One expects to be deeply transformed, and that is really alright. Forgiveness and acceptance allow the new self/Self to successfully come forth with grace and intention as a glorious expression of Divine intelligence and love in the material world.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: The Context Of Heaven
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
- Excess concern with the past or future blocks power in the present to progress meaningfully. In the heart, stabilizing presence in the moment, even when the past and future are considered.
- The boundless presence of the Divinity within, truly satisfies. That is so fulfilling that all other forms of fulfillment are only empty substitutes. Divine presence creates the context that illuminates illusion. Regardless of the origins or malevolence of illusion, this context leverages it for evolution and healing.
- As humans, we create the form. God creates the function. We create a space with a particular energy signature. All of the music, artistic expression, fables, stories, and worlds unfold from that space infused with God’s breath of life.
- Attention turns to the context created by God. That context is Heaven. It is vast, eternal, endless. God’s context underlies all other contexts.
- By adopting the context Heaven as the foundation to all that we create individually, depth is added while the beauty, interest, and fascination of the material world are retained. All of our contexts merge into that greater Wholeness. There, they are all blessed and empowered.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
The doors of Heaven open. Excess concern with the past or future blocks power in the present to progress meaningfully. In the heart, stabilizing presence in the moment, even when the past and future are considered. Flexibility increases in the nervous system. Awareness settles to the causal level, ungripped by space and time. It comes to rest in the silent Source of creation, where an impulse anywhere is an impulse everywhere. The impulse of healing comes from this place of deepest purity. Purity ensures appropriateness. Absolute, eternal Truth is good for all times, places, and circumstances. Purity is the unfettered context for the laws of Nature to propagate Truth through the entire field of creation.
Suffering through illness or challenges awakens both purity and Truth. This is Nature’s reply to suffering. This antidote shifts life’s context, aligning it with Natural Law/the will of God. Purity and Truth are characteristics of Heaven. By attending to them, a field of protection forms around the heart, mind and body. The vulnerable areas are especially protected.
Illusion can mislead the mind and heart. This healing quarantines illusion. Illusion’s contribution to life is to reveal corruption through embodiment for the sake of its resolution. Illusion promises a desirable end. It appeals to individual wants, measured by material gains. Such desires have the Vedic name, “samskaras”. Most samskaras were planted in the soul eons ago. They are remnants of overwhelming experiences that left an impression of lack. This feeling is the seed for opportunities to fulfill desires. Inevitably the material expression of fulfillment does not satisfy the nonmaterial feeling of lack. Feelings are not fulfilled by things. Overwhelming experience is followed by struggle, resulting in the belief that a material thing will end suffering. Material gains don’t eliminate emptiness. Every particle of life, material and non-material reflects the boundless resource of Divinity which is ever-available. The true fulfillment of Divine presence is camouflaged when the nervous system is overwhelmed. When heart and mind destabilize one has difficulty accessing anything other than trouble.
The boundless presence of the Divinity within, truly satisfies. That is so fulfilling that all other forms of fulfillment are only empty substitutes. Divine presence creates the context that illuminates illusion. Regardless of the origins or malevolence of illusion, this context leverages it for evolution and healing. Its energy is redirected, driving life into the Lap of God. As individuals, we have control over this redirection by genuinely seeking relationship with Divinity. Through that relationship, all the material expressions are issued forth. In turn material expressions inform our relationship with God.
Through the relationship with God, amazing things happen. Abstract, foundational, subtle changes occur within the heart and souls that result in better health. God is good, universal, and eternal. Every interaction with that immeasurable, loving presence shapes us in a specific manner. It stretches definitions and understandings of reality. It forces transformation of the nervous system to become more stable and adaptable. It sets a foundation or a context for every step forward to be a little better aligned and informed with individual needs in the past, present, and future. It supports physiological functioning that anchors awareness into the present moment and supports refinement of perception to comprehend the nature of Heaven. The contexts that we create within our awareness are infused with the grace of God’s blessing. These become subtle life forces. They have presence in the subtle field of creation. We interact with these living forces of change as the responsible parties for controlling outcomes.
As humans, we create the form. God creates the function. We create a space with a particular energy signature. All of the music, artistic expression, fables, stories, and worlds unfold from that space infused with God’s breath of life. This is a joint effort produced by us as individuals in the context of our relationship with God. Attention turns to the context created by God. That context is Heaven. It is vast, eternal, endless. God’s context underlies all other contexts. Our human created contexts for all that is good and life-supporting to show up in creation are facets of Heaven. By adopting the context Heaven as the foundation to all that we create individually, depth is added while the beauty, interest, and fascination of the material world are retained. All of our contexts merge into that greater Wholeness. There, they are all blessed and empowered. We bring the context of living the highest health, Wholeness, and balance to the body. The feeling of robust health and immortality infuses into the contexts in which all other actions, thoughts, and feelings unfold. An internal foundation that absolutely upholds health in the highest way for all times, forever and ever is established.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Liberating From The World’s Darkness
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
- Life’s potential is to rise above darkness, rather than fight it. Together with Divinity, we witness the Uncreated Light beyond the darkness making the transformation. There are other ways to handle the darkness, but they don’t guarantee success. In fact, some are so unreliable that failure is more likely than success.
- In particular, going at it alone is destined for failure. Divine union is time-tested, exceedingly reliable, consistent, and guaranteed to work. The darkness of the creation hates the light, and in that hatred fights against it. The light doesn’t hate the darkness because the light is its antidote..
- Superficial pleasantries distract life’s course from its higher aim. Reprioritizing these in the mental and emotional bodies, as insignificant compared to your true life’s purpose. They are worthless empty promises, offered in trade for leaving the path of Truth. Attachments clear from the throat, head, heart, and gut. They clear from the spinning centers of the chakras.
- Clearing attachments to material expressions that simply make a mockery of Divine Truth in the astral through etheric bodies. We did not come to Earth and sacrifice our heavenly existence merely for illusory representations, empty ghosts of the Truth. You came here for matters of the greatest importance.
- Unblocking the flow of healing intelligence from the astral through mental levels of the body. This is on the basis of the Truth that the body is immeasurably precious, in the likeness of Divinity itself, customized for each soul to make maximum progress toward Divine Union.
- Come what may, in terms of the material world shaking as it deconstructs sufficiently for the darkness to be extracted. The subtle scaffolding that held the darkness in place shakes and dissolves, the darkness is revealed, but you are safe.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
The burden of this world is actually immeasurable. Worldly ignorance and delusion is so tightly knit into the fabric of life, that few ever even know it is there. It is hidden in plain sight. We all necessarily live under its oppression. You at least know that it exists and needs to be addressed. Now is the time. Life’s potential is to rise above darkness, rather than fight it. Together with Divinity, we witness the Uncreated Light beyond the darkness making the transformation. Witnessing that transformation, we enjoy the glory, beauty, and amazingness of this creation. There are other ways to handle the darkness, but they don’t guarantee success.
In fact, some are so unreliable that failure is more likely than success. In particular, going at it alone is destined for failure. Divine union is time-tested, exceedingly reliable, consistent, and guaranteed to work. The darkness of the creation hates the light, and in that hatred fights against it. The light doesn’t hate the darkness because the light is its antidote. When darkness defines the light as wrong, the light is still right. It is still the answer to all problems. The light is consciousness, the gift within us, endowed by the Creator. It is the Creator’s essence within us. This light fuels all healing transformations physically, socially, financially, in all areas of life. From the depths of the heart center a cry of indescribable joy rises, because we always have access to this light.
The weight of the world creates the illusion of being unworthy of freedom, fluidity, and access to the resources to realize the miracle of obliterating the darkness with light. Awareness reaches to the causal and astral levels of the body to clear these feelings, as well as habits and impressions of living under the burden of darkness. These imbalances are carried through generations, starting in the womb. They feel natural due to their consistency. Usually the recognition of their presence only reaches the conscious mind when things go very badly. We all instinctively know that the burden of this darkness inhibits the expression of life’s full potential and will ultimately be dissolved in the ocean of God’s grace.
Anchored to the ever-present light, we fearlessly consider the darkness, knowing that doing so holds the key to absolute transformation. In the Heart Energy Center, and we plant ourselves firmly to face the unveiled darkness. God knows the courage required to show up in a human lifetime and to live under the repression of this world. Before you stepped into this lifetime, you knew fully, and yet you stepped anyway. Such courage is motivated by a vision of a goal, so great, that it trumps fear and the desire for self preservation. This can only be comfortably accomplished when the soul is aligned with the power of the Divine to overcome death itself. Fortifying this alignment and stabilizing the presence of the goal, in its seed or subtlest form, in the Heart Center. The causal level of the heart meets the causal level of the goal. Together they create a foundation for facing and rising above the toughest experiences that this world offers.
Superficial pleasantries distract life’s course from its higher aim. Reprioritizing these in the mental and emotional bodies, as insignificant compared to your true life’s purpose. They are worthless empty promises, offered in trade for leaving the path of Truth. The stable inner context of your deep alignment with Divine Truth disallows their grip on your heart, and their power to lead you astray. Attachments clear from the throat, head, heart, and gut. They clear from the spinning centers of the chakras. The attachment to material comforts and pleasantries that decorate this world are valuable as expressions of the Creator’s intentions. Even then, the value is the Divine Truth, and not the material symbol of that Truth. One accepts them, while remaining unattached. The witnessing perspective elevates them as vehicles to further Divine Union. When an artist creates an artwork and they endow it with the light of their intelligence, creativity, and heartfelt adoration for God. The artwork is the vehicle for carrying that experience to the world. Life experiences can do this too, without gripping the mind, overwhelming the nervous system, or creating attachments.
Clearing attachments to material expressions that simply make a mockery of Divine Truth in the astral through etheric bodies. We did not come to Earth and sacrifice our heavenly existence merely for illusory representations, empty ghosts of the Truth. You came here for matters of the greatest importance. You are the living bridge between the uncreated light of Divine Truth and the darkness of emptiness. At best material expression can only represent Truth. By interacting with the human soul, personally connected to God, dense expressions take on the Living Light. This includes the physical body in which we live. Through the individual personal connection to God, we are the living bridge between the flow of Truth and the objects of this world. Dedication to this process cultivates the body’s ability to heal itself. Every illness, suffering, or misalignment goes through the process of reconnecting to the highest Divine Truth. Once that is done at the most abstract level, the mental and emotional, then the material form naturally accommodates Truth, wellness, and Divine intention. Energy healing is the process of imbuing the material form with the light and truth of Absolute Divine Being. The human body reflects Divine light to the degree to which the awareness fulfills its role as the liaison between absolute Being and the material world.
Unblocking the flow of healing intelligence from the astral through mental levels of the body. This is on the basis of the Truth that the body is immeasurably precious, in the likeness of Divinity itself, customized for each soul to make maximum progress toward Divine Union. It is the vehicle upholding awareness’s role as a liaison between Divinity and dense expression. Its value is immeasurable as the instrument for the soul to reach its life’s goals, here and now. Clearing from the astral through the etheric level of the body thought forms which downgrade, belittle, or disparage the body in any way. Everyone has something that they dislike about their bodies. Replacing the justification for this habit with the Truth that the body was not supposed to be absolutely perfect. The incarnated one God is absolutely perfect. We possess specific peculiarities, challenges, and weaknesses that provide the context for healing transformations that feed the soul’s longing for closeness to Being. Inconsistencies, insufficiencies, and lack of perfection, lovingly attract awareness. The body is so humble in its nature! Physical challenges humbly draw awareness into intimacy with Wholeness through a specific angle. Whatever is the area of the body that suffers, this is the material indicator of the facet of Divine intelligence that is next in line to be integrated. Awareness sees under the microscope, the particular aspect of the soul’s relationship with God where integration is incomplete. It reveals where the burden of darkness is pressing on the soul and separating you, even if only slightly from your potential.
In this healing, the autonomy to engage the healing transformation process has been reestablished in your hands. The blockages to accepting the gift of healing have been cleared from the area between God’s perfect intention for your wellness and the conscious mind’s fear of losing the familiar presence of the world’s weight. Such a transformation can shake up the foundational structures upon which we have come to know the material world. For you this is not destabilizing because your foundation is well set on the Lap of God. Come what may, in terms of the material world shaking as it deconstructs sufficiently for the darkness to be extracted. The subtle scaffolding that held the darkness in place shakes and dissolves, the darkness is revealed, but you are safe. Each person in this healing session is protected by the ability to witness the process and thus navigate the transformation without losing stability.
May your path through the upcoming changes that our world is inevitably preparing to present be graceful and lead you to the highest, most fulfilling levels of experience that are your potential.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Fortifying The Boundaries
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
- Awareness goes deep into the structure of each cell. The walls of the cells are examined carefully. Observing texture, the outflow of toxins, the intake of proper nutrients, and the interface with the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
- Ancient architectural principles awaken in the causal body. These archetypes integrate sequences of boundary patterns with the laws of Nature responsible for the construction of cell walls, and skin, and other internal boundaries.
- Awareness connects to the soul (life force) of all protective forms. The presence of this intelligence speaks directly to the walls and boundaries in the body. It whispers the Truth of their role, function, and responsibilities.
- The body’s physical tissues flow with gratitude, humility, and joy in the presence of the healer of the musculoskeletal system and the walls of the body.
- Firmness increases in the external layers of the astral body. Integrity increases in the internal layers of the astral body. The energy signature of your pure potential forms the core of this integration.
- The walls of the cells go through waves of expansion and contraction. With each wave, the potential for rearranging the surface of the cell is realized. Divine mercy reforms the cell walls, aligning them more and more precisely with their healthiest state.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
Divine mercy and loving grace is the starting point of all healing. There are forces in the body that mend corrupted and broken tissues, positioning them in their best alignment for whole body health. These devatas are looking specifically at bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Specifically, awareness goes deep into the structure of each cell. The walls of the cells are examined carefully. Observing texture, the outflow of toxins, the intake of proper nutrients, and the interface with the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Just as there is an ideal internal location for the soul, on the Lap of God, in the realm of Heaven, so there is an ideal position for the etheric structure of the cells through the whole musculoskeletal system.
Their ideal energetic position correlates with the body’s original blueprint at a material level. As the feeling in the etheric body aligns with optimal positioning, so the resources to put the material form into order is also received. Gratitude flows in both directions. From Divinity to individual and back again. Integration of Divinity and individuality in the musculoskeletal system increases strength, stability, and flexibility. Most importantly the memory of optimal form and function reawaken at an epigenomic level. Ancestors remember the love that underlies all relationships. Life digresses over time, from its origins of form, but this healing brings the origins back to the body both energetically and physically.
There is a special healing intelligence just for the cell walls. This same intelligence is intimately connected with the intelligence of the astral body. The astral body creates an energetic wall around the whole physical body. It is also responsible for the energetic outflow of toxins and the inflow of vital resources. Healthy walls, and boundaries, large and small, include dense material and subtle protective structures Ancient architectural principles awaken in the causal body. These archetypes integrate sequences of boundary patterns with the laws of Nature. These are the laws responsible for the construction of cell walls, skin, boundaries around internal organs, and the external energy layer of the astral body. The laws of Nature uphold the fundamental function of walls with the specific needs of the dimensions of their expression. As diverse forms are expressed, they refer back to their foundational principles. In these foundational principles are the memories or remnants of cosmic forms that preceded the corporeal life of Earth.
The cosmic forms represent far more diverse expressions than can be found in the human body. Awareness connects to the soul (life force) of all protective forms. The presence of this intelligence speaks directly to the walls and boundaries in the body. It whispers the Truth of their role, function, responsibilities, and all that is expected of them by the Divine Creator. The dialogue between boundaries and boundless Being elevates awareness within the boundaries. They rise in self understanding. Dullness, false self conceptions, narrow comprehension, and the acceptance of the authority of others over the authority of God, are clearing from all of the walls. The material form of the walls is adapting to reflect and reveal only Divine Truth. This is a move toward both simplicity and power, toward efficiency and beauty.
The process of the body adapting to the living presence of Truth is so simple that it becomes an internal default. The simplicity of this foundation for all life-supporting transformation is adopted at the unconscious and subconscious levels of the mind. In the psychic body (mental and emotional), the thought forms that inhibited healthful change are replaced with this beautiful, streamlined, Divinely blessed process. More life is present in the etheric and physical bodies as a result of this shift. More life means more valuable resources, more efficiency, more trust in the Nature of consciousness to heal the body under any circumstances.
The astral body (noetic) has an especially fluid relationship with the field around it, while also maintaining well defined personal limits. The laws of Nature use all limits as vehicles to glorify the eternal Truth of Divine Being. Limitations are the instruments for expressions of limitless intelligence to penetrate the material field. This fundamental Nature of limitations and boundaries requires some fluidity in the astral body. Clear, open communication between the noetic body (causal and astral) and the Source of creation is established as an experiential intelligence rather than intellectual understanding. The flow has a feel to it. The feeling is alive with loving firmness as the basic definition of a truly healthy boundary. This experiential understanding awakens in the astral and causal bodies as a masculine archetypal presence. Protective strength with playful, loving, concrete definition are carried by the laws of Nature to the denser levels of the body’s expression. The body’s physical tissues flow with gratitude, humility, and joy in the presence of the healer of the musculoskeletal system and the walls of the body. The forms that protect are gaining stability and flexibility to keep the darkness out and let the light in at the same time.
Healing for inappropriate parenting is occuring at this time. Parents always do what they are able. Parental failings are themselves boundaries which impact the growing child., who responds with innocent love. This innocent love integrates into the child’s body as an intimate connection to God (the perfect parent!) Dysfunction between parents and their children is Nature’s opportunity for Divinity to stabilize in the child. For very small people, this experience is rarely fully comprehended. It is only felt, like so many energy healing processes. Even when the inner transformation is abstract, it is real. It helps guide the child’s destiny to seek experiences that carry the energy signature of Divinity into the heart. From the heart, light medicines are created that nourish all the tissues of the body. The musculoskeletal system is particularly nourished by the masculine form of Divinity. Structure, resource, power, and greatness, based upon Dharma increase integrity in all three layers of the system (noetic, psychic, and physical).
The establishment of Dharma wipes out unconscious and subconscious thought forms that cause material deterioration. These are replaced with the loving presence of Divine Truth, unconditional love, and absolute purity. Wisdom lives in the unconscious and subconscious mind where it informs conscience. Oh, the darkness in the world works so hard to fragment understanding and behavior. Dissonance resolves to illuminate Eternity within a point. As in music, so in life. The greater the dissonance, the sweeter the resolution. Wisdom and discernment stand strong in the walls of the body. Sometimes one is called to be as hard as a diamond against the illusion that would seek to disrupt your energetic space. Firmness increases in the external layers of the astral body. Integrity increases in the internal layers of the astral body. The energy signature of your pure potential forms the core of this integration. Your pure potential filters through the lens of God’s all comprehensive perspective. This is big.
The walls of the cells go through waves of expansion and contraction. With each wave, the potential for rearranging the surface of the cell is realized. Divine mercy is the energetic light medicine present in the contraction/expansion process. Divine mercy reforms the cell walls, aligning them more and more precisely with their healthiest state. Health means graceful adaptation to all the possible external conditions that you will inevitably meet in this lifetime. It means using every experience as a vehicle to come closer to your Divine Source.
May your body enjoy greater strength, and the mind enjoy greater integrity in all situations.
Love and gratitude,
Subcellular Healing For Digestion And Immunity
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- The body is precious because it is made of Truth. It guides us to the fulfillment of the soul’s tenderest desire to be one with the Creator. Offering recognition and appreciation to this body. Forgiving it for its shortcomings and limitations. Appreciating its earthiness, its humbleness.
- The body washes in waves of liquid white light. This light brings a purifying rain of light medicine. This light medicine effectively flushes out darkness from the tissues. It cleanses the subtle impressions that attract difficulties into your field.
- This light medicine washes through the physiology from the dense material physical level all the way to the finest abstract level. It takes up residence in the cord of light and affects healing throughout the whole body system. Everything is cleansed.
- In the digestive system, particularly in the gut, patterns and habits of holding on to dissonance are released. From the microbiome, bacteria that do not serve the body’s highest health needs are sought out and invited out. A great sorting is occurring.
- The immune system is receiving the waves of white light medicine. Fierce decisiveness fuels a sense of investment in all that leads to your highest goals. Opportunity for the unfoldment of Divine expression is found in every experience.
- Gratitude flows not just through each one of us as individuals, but through the entire ancestral archive. It comes up from a subcellular level of the body to the tissues, organs, and systems. Each individual cell experiences gratitude for the gift of cleansing.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
With greatest thanks to the wisdom of the body for knowing the next steps of the evolutionary process, even before we consciously know those steps. The body knows and speaks to us through the language of perception and experience. Through feelings the body blesses us with understanding. Bless the body. Bless the mind and consciousness that inhabits the body. Bless the connection to the spirit of Truth and the great Creator that is directly experienced through this incarnation. May the whole life be blessed. May the field of life surrounding each person in this healing be blessed.
The body is precious because it is made of Truth. It guides us to the fulfillment of the soul’s tenderest desire to be one with the Creator. Offering recognition and appreciation to this body. Forgiving it for its shortcomings and limitations. Appreciating its earthiness, its humbleness. Even in times of discomfort or difficulty, recognizing the body’s immeasurable gift to the soul sets the healing process in motion.
This genuine loving appreciation extends to the Source of creation. May your recognition of the sacred Nature of the body be directly experienced in the light of God’s perspective. May the perception of your physical body join in a celebrated union with the Creator’s perception. Individual mind and Divine mind unite in the common adoration for the perfection of human form. It is not that the body has to conform to some ideal of perfection. Its existence forms a bridge between individuality and Divinity. The body is radiant in the full light of this recognition. It relaxes into the healing process. This recognition opens the door for the body to identify with the immeasurable boundless love of the Divine for its creation.
The body washes in waves of liquid white light. This light brings a purifying rain of light medicine. This light medicine effectively flushes out darkness from the tissues, from the etheric body, from the mental and emotional bodies, from the astral and causal bodies. It cleanses the subtle impressions that attract difficulties into your field. Impressions are cleansing from the exterior of the astral body. These areas are restructuring to intentionally attract the light of Heaven. They are becoming pure to house the expressions of Divine intent.
Thought forms can be pure or impure. Impure thought forms cause trouble in the body, but are naturally insubstantial. Even at the causal level of the body where the thought forms have presence and intention, they are not bigger than you are. Even the ones which reside in many human bodies simultaneously, spreading through the family of humanity. Some of these occupy millions of bodies. In the comfort of union with your Creator, these cannot subdue you. Your consciousness, the consciousness of a single human being, possesses infinite potential. In the loving embrace of the Divine you will always be bigger than any limited, dark form. Human potential spreads throughout all space and time. It is infinite. The Creator’s love for humanity is infinite. The immeasurable potential and value of human consciousness, naturally, spontaneously, makes us bigger than any dark form, no matter even if it resides in millions of bodies at once.
This light medicine washes through the physiology from the dense material physical level all the way to the finest abstract level. It takes up residence in the cord of light and affects healing throughout the whole body system. Everything is cleansed. We go into the bath. This energy bath is a place of safety because it happens on the lap of God. Purification of the body happens in a tender embrace of Wholeness. As the light washes through the body and cleanses out the dark aspects, gratitude flows. Most importantly, the old habits and patterns that held darkness in the body are released. In the digestive system, particularly in the gut, patterns and habits of holding on to dissonance are released. From the microbiome, bacteria that do not serve the body’s highest health needs are sought out and invited out. A great sorting is occurring. Expansion of diversity and balance of numbers is occuring in the gut. The sorting happens in the field of absolute recognition and love. This is a grand offering through your body to the whole field of life. Alignment with Nature’s intelligence is occuring. In the field of life in which you live, there are laws of Nature that control the connection between material form and the churning expansion of Grace through the energetic field. These laws of Nature awaken in the gut. They oversee the sorting and expansion. They make a path for the bacteria that do not support the body’s highest health to die off and be eliminated.
The immune system is receiving the waves of white light medicine. Fierce decisiveness fuels a sense of investment in all that leads to your highest goals. Opportunity for the unfoldment of Divine expression is found in every experience. The conscience and the immune system unite to streamline the direction of attention as you navigate through the field of experience. Habits and patterns of distraction, digression, and procrastination are falling away. The light purifies! The immune system rides on the intelligence and guidance of the conscience. Here we have layers of guidance to balance subtle behaviors, feelings, and thinking. The body guides consciousness to follow dharma. Conscience guides the body to act with efficiency. Balance helps direct attention to ever seek the highest first.
The gratitude flows not just through each one of us as individuals, but through the entire ancestral archive. It comes up from a subcellular level of the body to the tissues, organs, and systems. It speaks to the healing intelligence of the body, awakening it and motivating it to initiate healing from the DNA to the tissues. The body’s healing intelligence attends to the areas of greatest need. Each individual cell experiences gratitude for the gift of cleansing. This purification goes all the way down to the energetic tissues and the field around each cell. The common goal, carried throughout the entire field of ancestry, keeps the inner guidance moving like an army. Every soldier in step maintains focus so that all progress to the highest attainment of human potential. Every cell carries this dedication within its inner chambers, informing material expression. Even the cells want to live as expressions of Divine unity. Subcellular transformation has to be activated intentionally. The process can feel unstable. During the transition one can feel uneasy. However, when the parts settle into their “right” positions it is ultimately very satisfying. This settling is the experience that lets you know that you are on track!
The causal field provides context in which the cells reside. This context is identified or marked by the softness of unity with Divinity. Resources for navigating even the purification of healing are accessible. This brings confidence, and direction to the subtle movements of the healing process. Within the context of God’sgrace you are safe, resourced, recognized, and ensured success.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: The Lap of God
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- Healing is naturally guided by divine intent, which is guided by divine wisdom. This wisdom resides deep within all of us. It is pure Knowingness, fathoming the range of potential. It knows the current condition and the greatness that can be achieved in this lifetime.
- Awareness gathers the past moments when potential was forsaken. Charity, comfort, and forgiveness activate in the astral through mental levels of the body. They clear impressions and memory patterns embedded in the tissues and responsible for present habits of failure. Healing the past liberates the present.
- The evolutionary value in even the most difficult experiences supersedes the sacrifice. Pain, trauma, and surprise tends to camouflage the evolutionary value. This shift of favoring the Divine perspective, stabilizes in both consciousness and the physiology.
- Each experience guides awareness to Wholeness from a slightly different angle. God’s light of eternal wisdom illuminates the evolutionary value of the experience. Healing begins, is carried out, and resolves on the lap of God. It feels like returning home again and again.
- A download is being received for the energy signature and the nature of the lap of God. As this download comes into the body through the crown of the head, the feeling of being at home in the safest, softest, most life-giving and life-nourishing space is received, recognized, understood, and integrated.
- Living in the lap of God becomes life’s theme for all of the experiences in the relative field of creation. It colors life, revealing the deepest value of each experience for you. It is so precious to add this. The body reflects Divine Truth, your essential nature, and that is precious.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
Coming home to the lap of God. In healing, we give ourselves over to the transformation process, knowing that sometimes transformation is liberating and an incredible relief, and sometimes it’s challenging and rough. There is a stable sense that whatever is required, the healing transformation ultimately leads to the best possible outcome. Whatever it takes, is worth it. Healing is naturally guided by Divine intent, which is guided by Divine wisdom. This wisdom resides deep within all of us. It is pure Knowingness, fathoming the range of human potential. It knows the current condition and the greatness that can be achieved in this lifetime.
Unfolding your full potential stands on the foundation of integrated consciousness and body. Awareness gathers the past moments when potential was forsaken. Charity, comfort, and forgiveness activate in the astral through mental levels of the body. They clear impressions and memory patterns embedded in the tissues and responsible for present habits of failure. Healing the past liberates the present. Your God presence, here and now, your sweet fullness, finds and organizes the moments when potential was unrealized. Your heart and mind in those moments are comforted. You are embraced in understanding, recognition, and love. The idea that potential was not reached comes from the individual perspective. It is easy to be critical and judgmental with oneself, to hold expectations that are very high. Clearing the habit of self criticism and its surrounding scaffolding in astral through mental bodies.
Through God’s lens, what happened was for the sake of everyone’s growth. If something better or more useful could have happened, it would have. In the past moments that were seen as failures, there is a shift to see them through the lens of Divinity. The gift of this shift is the understanding of evolution. Nature’s law of evolution drives material expression. The evolutionary value in even the most difficult experiences supersedes the sacrifice. Pain, trauma, and surprise tends to camouflage the evolutionary value of experience. This shift of favoring the Divine perspective, stabilizes in both consciousness and the physiology. Then when difficulties arise, the habit is already established.
The meaning and value of every experience rides on the platform of evolution. Evolution aims to unify the individual and Divine perspective, for realizing life’s full potential. This powerful shift establishes the body as the ally for the evolution of consciousness, and vice versa. Physical stress accumulates when the individual perspective excludes the Cosmic perspective. The Cosmic, or Divine perspective establishes equilibrium in the nervous system. In both difficult and blissful situations one experiences stable emotions, freedom from attachments, and clearer thinking. Freedom from attachments doesn’t stop one from caring or investing in life. In fact it increases life’s value because one appreciates the evolutionary nature within even the most mundane experiences.
Health is a state of balance, avoiding both excess and deficiency. Each experience ripens and surfaces in its highest form while perpetuating physical health. Each experience reflects into the Source of creation. Awareness touches the field of life, then dips into the Source of creation. Each experience guides awareness to Wholeness from a slightly different angle. God’s light of eternal wisdom illuminates the evolutionary value of the experience. Healing begins, is carried out, and resolves on the lap of God. It feels like returning home again and again. Consciousness feels it, within the heart and mind. The position of optimal comfort, deeply nourishing, and safe. The lap of God is a resource to empower your highest potential.
Highest health is a facet of your highest potential. It includes the whole person. Whole person health is the foundation for lifelong abundance of experience. A download is being received for the energy signature and the nature of the lap of God. As this download comes into the body through the crown of the head, the feeling of being at home in the safest, softest, most life-giving and life-nourishing space is received, recognized, understood, and integrated. This space is customized because it brings you together with that one great full Wholeness. Being in the lap of God runs alongside all other experiences. All of life’s experiences conjoin with the softness of being held in the deepest, most loving caress, God’s love deep in the heart.
Living in the lap of God becomes life’s theme for all of the experiences in the relative field of creation. It colors life, revealing the deepest value of each experience for you. It is so precious to add this. The change that naturally occurs in the human body now shows up as efficient purification, increased stability, flexibility, integration, and optimal growth. The body reflects Divine Truth, your essential nature, and that is precious. May this healing session work in your highest favor, may you find comfort in the lap of God, and may your body quickly and comfortably adapt to that position, no matter what happens in any other part of life.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Stretching Goals And Purifying
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- When attending to healing, awareness is spontaneously infused with heartfelt gratitude. The heart’s fullness empowers the healing process. Intention starts with the Source of creation, but is fueled by individual love.
- This beautiful love is like a sacred light in the center of the causal body. It shines at the soul’s core, illuminating True Self. As the love is continuously offered to Divine Being, to God, it continuously returns, refined, enhanced, and infinitely multiplied. The body’s healing-needs knit into this process.
- Clearing the scaffolding that holds problems in place in the astral through physical bodies. Starting with attachments to goals that derail you from the path to your true potential. Extending to self judgments, unreasonable expectations, memory patterns, and impressions that are locked in with discordant feelings.
- This package of imbalances is gathering into the cord of light in the center of the body and released. It travels home, to the Source of creation to be fully resolved.
- As the feelings themselves dissolve, the unhealthy chemical messengers dislodge from the tissues and make their way to the eliminative system. This is purification. You deserve credit for supporting the body’s healing intelligence with your love.
- A light medicine supports the extraction of unnecessary materials from the tissues to gracefully send them into the eliminative system. You are letting them go completely and permanently. May you feel lighter and brighter as these healing sessions continue to evolve.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
The body’s healing presence combines your vision of wellness with the power of God’s loving, compassionate grace. Left unto its own devices, the body naturally heals itself. God’s love built this body in the first place. It remains with the body throughout the lifetime, maintaining it, supporting it, renewing it, and healing it. Stopping this natural flow requires some effort.
Attending the flow enhances its effectiveness. When attending to healing, awareness is spontaneously infused with heartfelt gratitude. The heart’s fullness empowers the healing process. Intention starts with the Source of creation, but is fueled by individual love. Love’s highest potential is born of the individual/Divine union. Such love is simply indescribable. It can be indescribable yet still experienceable. Many things exist that cannot be described. The ability to experience transcends speech.
This beautiful love is like a sacred light in the center of the causal body. It shines at the soul’s core, illuminating True Self. As the love is continuously offered to Divine Being, to God, it continuously returns, refined, enhanced, and infinitely multiplied. The individual/Divine relationship builds with the exchange of each stroke of precious love. The body’s healing-needs knit into this process. You are seen with ultra clarity. Your beautiful heart is held. The seeds of your suffering are recognized and redefined from the perspective of God’s perfect understanding.
When individual understanding expands into a field of greater Truth, life’s goals clarify. The small goal of being out of suffering is engulfed by the great goal of fulfilling life’s purpose and living up to the full potential available in this lifetime. By reaching for distant goals, choices and decisions draw in higher resources. They accommodate your body’s healing intelligence in all of its intentions. They resolve the present challenges and form a platform for future success.
The bigger illnesses and challenges indicate bigger adjustments in life’s evolutionary trajectory. An inevitable realignment with Divine intention is indicated. Big illnesses require deep rest. Deep rest creates a context for resetting foundational components of life. This reset is the purpose behind illness. Navigating purification is facilitated in a restful, safe environment. Individual concepts of the “goal of life” aside, God is God-ing with God’s self at every point in creation. Individual goals are really metaphors for the Cosmic story, constantly unfolding in all parts of creation. This Cosmic flow is constant and unpredictable. Individually goals can vanish instantly. Healing necessarily means letting go – purification. More material attachments are released with deeper illnesses. Surrendering “whatever is” to God’s intention is not just an action, it becomes a habit. Surrendering and purification go hand in hand. Both involve letting go. Awareness continually returns to the Source of creation, accepting each experience as the revealing of the Divine mystery of life. Existence is built on a foundation of such immeasurable, unconditional, eternal love, that whatever comes, ultimately leads to God’s perfect love. Comprehending this “highest” goal eases navigation through the purifying adjustment of individual goals, to match Cosmic goals.
Clearing the scaffolding that holds problems in place in the astral through physical bodies. Starting with attachments to goals that derail you from the path to your true potential. Extending to self judgments, unreasonable expectations, memory patterns, and impressions that are locked in with discordant feelings. This package of imbalances is gathering into the cord of light in the center of the body and released. It travels home, to the Source of creation to be fully resolved. The discordant feelings were held in the various parts of the body. The areas of your concern are releasing the discordant feelings that were lodged into the tissues, both physically and etherically. The discordant feelings corrupt your healing presence. What makes them “discordant” is their ability to separate you from your Source, not the nature of the feeling itself. Sometimes there is a correlation but not always.
At a very deep level of the physiology, cellular, subcellular, molecular, even atomic discordant feelings have a living presence as neuropeptides, misfolded proteins, and other toxins. As the feelings themselves dissolve, the unhealthy chemical messengers dislodge from the tissues and make their way to the eliminative system. This is purification. You deserve credit for supporting the body’s healing intelligence with your love. Healing intelligence dismantles the physical and emotional structures. When the feelings resolve, the body no longer harbors or produces unhealthy chemicals. This is cellular level healing. The structure upholding problems dissolves from the foundation of consciousness.
Because this is a physical process you may notice the releasing of chemical toxins. The eliminative system could be a little overly active. There could be processes in the digestion, or expressions of purification such as sweating or heat. It could also come out as mucus and tears. Crying allows the brain to release toxins. The body has its ways. The intelligence that oversees the lymphatic system is upheld with a special healing resonance. A light medicine supports the extraction of unnecessary materials from the tissues to gracefully send them into the eliminative system. You are letting them go completely and permanently.
You are whole, complete, fully understood, and deeply cherished. This sense of completion resides deep in the fabric of consciousness, and is lived in the fine feeling level of the physiology. Transformation is given and received in the depths of consciousness, directly through the individual/Divine relationship. That relationship is the foundation for all healing. May you feel lighter and brighter as these healing sessions continue to evolve. May your dear body find comfort in the fact that its own natural healing capacity genuinely works on your behalf all the time especially during dream and sleep time. Wishing everybody in this session, sweet dreams. Wishing everybody in this session the deep, deep sleep of a baby.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Shaking Out The Stresses
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- Divine light radiates from the soul center to the material form through the sacred cord. The light and your awareness together as one light penetrate the seeds of suffering and reveal them for the illusions that they are.
- Purification is the first stroke of action to rise above the energetic burdens. To dissolve non-truth, the crust of discordant feelings that protects it must also be dissolved.
- There is an energy signature associated with the purification process and that energy signature is being received at this time as a download. The download makes the process familiar and allows a person to come to peace with the experience of shaking, as transformative and unsettling as it is.
- The whole body is reorienting itself to adapt to the shaking and accept its grace. Loving understanding is offered to the ancestral archive and the mothers of the past to support their ability to embrace and trust the purification process comfortably.
- We come into the human experience without the perceptual means to fully grasp the ultimate and absolute Truth of the value of our existence. Through limiting, uncomfortable experiences, particularly the experiences that challenge or drive the transformation process, true human nature is revealed.
- Individuality and Divinity together dissolve the seeds of suffering. Imbalances resolve through the shaking of the body’s fabric, both subtle and dense.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
May we all live life from our soul center. Divine light radiates from the soul center to the material form through the sacred cord. Divine light illuminates the seeds of illness that hide in the body’s subtle fabric. These seeds appear as discordant feelings that obscure your highest Truth. The light is like a solvent that supports their dissolution. The light and your awareness together as one light penetrate the seeds of suffering and reveal them for the illusions that they are. Unpleasant emotions protect non-truth that is even more unpleasant. Ignoring them doesn’t resolve them, it gives them room to grow. This is why the seeds, sown in the distant past, and still unresolved, are denser and require effort to resolve now.
Purification is the first stroke of action to rise above the energetic burdens. To dissolve non-truth, the crust of discordant feelings that protects it must also be dissolved. The particular discordant feelings that protect non-truth are designed to directly threaten the sense of self (ego). The threat is an illusion designed to strike the heart. Locked into the threads of the astral body, there is a whole scaffolding that threatens identity emotionally. It includes fear, impressions, memory patterns, and attachments. There is a fear of losing your investments and having to rebuild self identity from scratch. The truth is that it is not possible to unintentionally lose one’s essential Nature or the relationship with the Divine. Your Truth and your relationship with God are the foundation that backs you up so that awareness can penetrate those spaces that feel threatening, dark, and uncomfortable.
Discomfort and illness are the sticks that motivate exploration into the darkness. The carrot is the Divine conception of Self/self that emerges from the ashes of incinerated illusion. The truth of who you really are, acts like a blueprint for rebuilding the body back better. Effectively addressing the seed of suffering is a whole person activity. It shakes the body, from the most refined impulses of consciousness to the most dense physical tissues. Shaking is preparation for holistic change.
The good news is that there is an energy signature or familiar pattern associated with the purification process and that energy signature is being received at this time as a download. The download makes the process familiar. It allows a person to come to peace with the experience of shaking, as transformative and unsettling as it is. You have always known this energy signature, but it has been shrouded in mystery. At the same time the purification can be so uncomfortable, that there was doubt in an eventual positive outcome. The whole body is reorienting itself to adapt to the shaking and accept its grace. It shows up differently depending upon the level of density that is shaking. This is purification that permanently structures optimal health going forward.
Generational patterns of responding to deep soul-shaking transformation by recoiling are carried in the ancestral archive. These are learned patterns particularly on the female side of the lineage. These behaviors are held in the scaffolding (astral-mental) as habitual responses to deep purification that stretches across multiple lifetimes and multiple generations. Women, as mothers, want stability. They want steadiness. They don’t want fights. They want everything to be calm and set, reliable and predictable. The shaking nature of purification conflicts with the natural tendency of the female nature to want to keep the environment around a vulnerable child clean, quiet, stable, and predictable. Loving understanding is offered to the ancestral archive and the mothers of the past to support their ability to embrace and trust the purification process comfortably.
In this case, it is not so much a physical shaking as one that deconstructs the sense of self or ego. Any self doubt in the sense of self can get backed up by memories and impressions of having failed in the past. All of this subtle material gets stirred up through the purification process. There is a real fear that the soul-shaking purification carries some danger. When purification is successful, structure deconstructs and rebuilds. This level of change can be overwhelming and therefore dangerous, when the nervous system is unprepared for such dynamic change. Fortunately, awareness has access to Divine Being that does not deconstruct, even when life is in turmoil. The more energy, attention, time, and resources that pour into stabilizing the relationship with Being, the easier it is always to navigate those times when the big deconstruction is happening. In fact, the very purpose of the deconstruction is to create a context for all of the life resources to dig into and accommodate that firm, eternal, absolute foundation. It’s when this most important relationship has been ignored or neglected that the conditions and the surface of life rise up to drive all of the resources inward.
You are holy and perfect. The value of your life is immeasurable. This awareness becomes destabilized, when gripped by experiences in the material world. Also, limitations of the senses of perception and the mind, intellect, and heart easily block full access to this Truth. We come into the human experience without the perceptual means to fully grasp the ultimate and absolute Truth of the value of our existence. Through limiting, uncomfortable experiences, particularly the experiences that challenge or drive the transformation process, true human nature is revealed. Limitless potential is realized within the limits of the human nervous system and senses of perception. This is the miracle of healing, and the miracle of human existence. The unknowable Truth of our reality is realized within the context of human limitations.
It’s really phenomenal. From an external perspective, it looks impossible. Because of this a lot of people don’t think in these terms or even try to comprehend their True Nature. Throughout their whole lifetime, the carrot and the stick are present, yet no part of them is given to this understanding. When life presents challenges and the resources to overcome them, then one steps onto that path. One has no choice even though success seems impossible. Yet knowing that it’s impossible and stepping anyway, is a kind of miracle.
This action step is a direct communication to the relationship with Divinity. It reveals readiness and hope that what was wrong can now finally be made right. Individuality and Divinity together dissolve the seeds of suffering. Imbalances resolve through the shaking of the body’s fabric, both subtle and dense. Understanding and Truth blossom into transformation resulting in a higher quality of life at the material level, physical health, well being, and fulfillment of desires. These good changes do come.
I realize that sometimes it feels as if it takes decades of struggling with things not going right. This experience is accompanied by deep impressions and beliefs that things will never be right. However, the one thing that we can count on in this world is change. With this healing that change is ensured to lead to a higher quality of health and well being, rather than to deterioration.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Coping with Loss
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- Awareness is holding space. That means the mind quiets down into a place of non-judgmental witnessing. In this quiet space, it is possible to witness the suffering completely from its most superficial expression to its finest, most abstract expression.
- The perspective of Wholeness shines upon you. You are known, as a whole being. You are adored beyond measure. At the surface of life, pain pushes a person to move in specific ways. The move is away from belief structures and assumptions that confine the soul. True Divine love activates healing transformation.
- I am noticing a deep grief along with this love. Grief makes the love poignant. Together, love and loss both hurt and inform. We only lose that which is not serving the soul’s highest goal.
- A download is being received that awakens a recognition of the rareness of this opportunity. In the moment when individual desires have been dashed the opportunity to come into presence with Divine Truth awakens. The greatest structures are built on the deepest (humblest) foundations.
- Clearing the feeling of victimhood and insufficiency. Under this clearing the scaffolding that holds these feelings in place including attachments, pain bodies, memory patterns, and impressions from the astral through mental levels of the physiology.
- Your true value is too big to be connected to anything in the material field, ever. Clearing grief over the loss of hope. Separating that grief from the knowledge of the true value of your soul.
- A human lifetime is so short. The Creator directs resources into the highest possible outcome for this lifetime. We may be messing around as individuals, but God is not messing around with us. A human lifetime is serious business. Your energy and resources are needed for big things.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
Awareness is holding space. That means the mind quiets down into a place of non-judgmental witnessing. In this quiet space, it is possible to witness the suffering completely from its most superficial expression to its finest, most abstract expression. Without judgment, without expectations, simply witnessing the whole structure of the discord and imbalance in the body. The perspective of Wholeness shines upon you. You are known, as a whole being. You are adored beyond measure. At the surface of life, pain pushes a person to move in specific ways. The move is away from belief structures and assumptions that confine the soul. Limited self-identification falls short of the truth of your actual Nature. True Divine love activates healing transformation. This love awakens within the core of the heart chakra, within the soul center, and is witnessed. Itis seen without judgments or assumptions.
I am noticing a deep grief along with this love. Grief makes the love poignant. Together, love and loss both hurt and inform. We only lose that which is not serving the soul’s highest goal. This happens when Divine and individual intentions don’t align with the same goal. Individual hopes and dreams are sacrificed at the altar of higher goals. From one perspective this is painful. From another, it brings hope. The point where one has lost a perceived opportunity and is left with seemingly nothing is hard. Purification begins. It opens the door of all possibilities. Your true Divine Nature peaks through the pain of loss. Your true Divine Natureis what you truly seek.
A download is being received that awakens a recognition of the rareness of this opportunity. In the moment when individual desires have been dashed the opportunity to come into presence with Divine Truth awakens. The greatest structures are built on the deepest (humblest) foundations. The reality of the loss, and the purification, can obscure the presence of opportunity. Personal shortcomings dominate awareness. Clearing the feeling of victimhood and insufficiency. Under this clearing the scaffolding that holds these feelings in place including attachments, pain bodies, memory patterns, and impressions from the astral through mental levels of the physiology. These structures mislead awareness into self blame and away from true humility. Why? Because true humility leads to acceptance of your genuine Truth. Until the nervous system is ready, living your Truth would short circuit the body, creating stress. Deep inside, your soul knows this and avoids growing too big too fast.
Responding like a victim in those moments when the individual desire is lost is clearing from the body’s chakras, outer tissues, and inner tissues. Clearing from the bones the feeling of victim hood and self identification as insufficient. Untangling the connection between the value of the soul with the manifestation of relative ideas, dreams, or activities. Your true value is too big to be connected to anything in the material field, ever. Clearing grief over the loss of hope. Separating that grief from the knowledge of the true value of your soul.
A human lifetime is so short. The Creator directs resources into the highest possible outcome for this lifetime. We may be messing around as individuals, but God is not messing around with us. A human lifetime is serious business. Your energy and resources are needed for big things. Individual resources are optimally spent aiming for the highest goals. The problem is that we can’t see every detail of what God sees. We can’t know ourselves enough to comprehend what the highest goal might be. The process of healing centers around evolving the sense of self to know who we are through our eyes and God’s eyes combined. Based on this understanding, individual and Divine intentions spontaneously align. Divine union (consciousness) and Divine expression (body) work together to this end.
Awareness quiets down and centers itself in the inner sacred chamber of the heart. This is your soul center. The authentic truth of oneself is known viscerally, experienced beyond words. Here is the poignant combination of love and loss. The nervous system has to become neutral, at rest, in order for awareness to maintain stability in the soul center and experience the truth of your Divine Nature.
The Source of creation is communicating directly to the autonomic nervous system and the devata of the central nervous system. Pure Divine love is the carrier. God loves your devatas. Divine truth expressed by the nervous system is revealed. This is a big vision that requires a transcending mind. If you can’t transcend now in the waking state, this healing will find you in the field of Wholeness between states of consciousness (waking, dreaming, and sleeping). The download includes a package of energies that are deeply soothing and stabilize the mind and emotions.
The nervous system fills with the light of pure Divine awareness. The devatas of the nervous system take refuge in the Source of creation. The astral body lights up, activating and revealing past and future lives. The nervous system receives the stability of the deeply silent anchor to Being and infinite Divine love. The whole chest area, respiratory, immune, digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems are benefitting. This download stabilizes physical structure that promotes a consistent experience of infinite Divine love. This extreme sweetness in the chest reflects into the soul center. The Soul Center is adopting identification with the sweetness of Eternal love.
Self experience embraces a lot of different qualities. The human soul is vast, varied, and broad in its expression. Just this Eternal Love is being added. Love catalyses the healing function. Eternal Love gracefully and comfortably upholds continuous purification, upgrades, rejuvenation, and rebuilding of the body’s structure. It also shifts individual loyalties to value Eternal Truth first, not instead of other values. This provides a reliable foundation for discerning truth from non-truth, which leads to better choices and decisions. This in turn leads to ease of letting go of anything that doesn’t serve to your pure potential.
To let go easily, not knowing what lies ahead, requires genuine trust in the goodness of this creation. Your relationship with Divinity reliably and consistently provides that goodness. Infinite love stabilizing in the chest anchors that relationship as a constant companion, nourishing the inner and outer self. The point of maximum instability in the human experience is when the old has broken down and the vision of a future direction has not yet presented itself. Your constant companion is especially stable, providing you with the willingness and means to navigate during these most challenging moments.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: The Soul Center
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- Activating the healing state awakens the memory of the body’s truest condition.
- What more can one do to support this gift of healing transformation? Establishing the mind in infinite silence and the heart in infinite love.
- Many habits of self-judgment, disappointment, and expectation are falling away. They are returning to the Source of creation, where they are completely resolved.
- Always change is for the purpose of unifying the relationship with Divinity, not for achieving particular outcomes at the surface of life. The surface will reflect the highest when the initial aim is also the Highest.
- Sensitized awareness increases appreciation and confidence in the healing experience. The purpose of discomfort is to increase sensitivity. Knowing this, favor sensitivity when pain is present to shorten your time with it.
- May healing transformation occur without effort and our relationship with the Divine be so unconstrained that all possibilities rise to the surface not just as good health, but lead life to expressions of potential that we have never before dreamed possible.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
The state of health is a state of Truth. Activating the healing state awakens the memory of the body’s truest condition. True self is one’s true Nature, from the field of unbounded Being through the material level of the physiology. Awareness is finding the genuine self within. True self is unfettered by trappings, shielding, agendas, or assumptions. From here, healing is simplified. True self is the Alpha and Omega of healing. This is the part that leans into the light of Divine love and transforms by God’s grace. Falling ill is the body’s appeal to the True Self. Its changes lead to the unfoldment of the soul’s pure potential.
Conscience resides in the soul’s center, the True Self. Conscience maintains orientation toward the eternal Source of creation, where the Maker shapes it. What more can one do to support this gift of healing transformation? Establishing the mind in infinite silence and the heart in infinite love. Trust, innocence, and faith support change that does not overwhelm. The nervous system stretches to comprehend such trust. It is a good stretch, like a yawn. Humility is cultivated as a key for deepest healing transformation.
In the Soul’s Center, the tiniest shift has the greatest impact. The movement is incomparably small to the normal focus of awareness. The hardware has to adapt to the effect of Cosmic intention on the True Self. Clearing judgments in the nervous system, particularly in the heart center. Clearing from ego expectations, judgments, analysis, assumptions about the moves initiated by Being. The good news is that placing awareness in the Soul Center itself is naturally comforting.
Many habits of self-judgment, disappointment, and expectation are falling away. They are returning to the Source of creation, where they are completely resolved. Even if some judgment arises in the Soul Center, it still feels intimate. The intimacy is so comforting because here, it’s just oneself and the Divine. Simple. Trust comes without effort. Changes here are made exclusively by Divine intelligence. Only Cosmic intelligence is all encompassing and wise enough to orchestrate the changes with such tender intimacy.
Your individual willingness initiates the process. If you knew, you would give permission. Sometimes sensitivity isn’t fine enough to initiate the process. The universe seeks your trust. Falling ill increases sensitivity all around. The clay has to let itself be shaped. If it’s too wet or it’s too dry, or it’s got too much fiber in it, or not enough of some important element, the artist’s work might be inhibited. Individual responsibility lies in properly preparing the clay.
Innocence, humility, and trust set the tone. Clearing fear of the unknown from the throat and head areas. Courage to accept the Truth without letting the identity become gripped by it. This is the truth about oneself, but also the dark moments and difficult areas are given over to Divine Being. There is an element of witnessing it all and the willingness to move forward without the burden of old heavy energies that weighed the whole system down. Always change is for the purpose of unifying the relationship with Divinity, not for achieving particular outcomes at the surface of life. The surface will reflect the highest when the initial aim is also the Highest.
Energy healing will not provide a quick and sloppy fix. Changing from the inside to the outside fulfills long term goals and ultimately exceeds external expectations. Sometimes patience is required. Sensitized awareness increases appreciation and confidence in the healing experience. The purpose of discomfort is to increase sensitivity. Knowing this, favor sensitivity when pain is present to shorten your time with it. Sometimes the solution can show up as a medicine or a medical procedure. Good inner work can lead to Western medical solutions. The inner work creates all the conditions that will allow the outer antidotes to be as effective as possible. Of course, it would be delightful if the inner work is accomplished and then the outer effect is miraculous. Sometimes that does happen. Most commonly the karma is paid inside and then the cure comes from external sources.
From the Creator’s perspective we have a task to accomplish in this lifetime. From an individual perspective one just wants to feel Whole again. Rising to Divine intention requires internal and external development. One must garner the resources, new skill sets, and deeper wisdom to step beyond personal expectations. This process is dynamic but not always smooth. A lot of things that happen in the material field just don’t make sense without the perspective of growing closer to God. Confusion and mystery around suffering causes it to morph into trauma and embed itself in the body, leaving energetic scars. A good, clear perspective on why suffering arises rests on the foundation of fortifying the individual relationship with the Divine. This keeps the deepest layers of oneself in order, especially when things are chaotic at the surface. This is a platform for having genuine gratitude, even with the worst of situations.
Gratitude sets a robust tone for the healing to occur. It sits close to humility. In this context, humility is that simple ability to look at weaknesses and shortcomings without judgment, without guilt or shame, but with appropriate remorse and willingness to change. We are precious beyond our comprehension. May we all humbly accept ourselves and the changes offered lovingly by the Divine. May these changes take root on fertile soil within our being. May healing transformation occur without effort and our relationship with the Divine be so unconstrained that all possibilities rise to the surface not just as good health, but lead life to expressions of potential that we have never before dreamed possible.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Light Dissolves The Seeds Of Suffering
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- All that matters is the Light. All focus is on the Light. Awareness goes to the Light, and our bodies go to the light of God’s Divine grace. The Light is infinite, incomprehensible love.
- The resources needed to integrate Divinity in the suffering area are unavailable. Where Divine presence should be embodied, some aspect of individuality is found instead. Something less than Totality is there leading to insufficiency in the structure itself.
- Once this first relationship is in place, everything else in life will be positioned appropriately. Your pain has a relationship to it, and the first relationship is the antidote to the pain.
- The purest, most innocent form of love, the love that you have carried since before this lifetime and will carry after this lifetime is offered like flowers at the feet of the Divine. Illness makes the act of giving love meaningful because loving through the pain takes even more integrity than loving when times are easy.
- It is like a poignant sweet sorrow moving in the depths of consciousness. With this offering your strength, courage, patience, and tolerance are displayed. Your true essential Nature integrates in the areas of the body that need the most support.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
When I think about how precious a human life is and how important your presence is in this world, I don’t understand why each soul is not better protected physically during life’s journey. Why is the human body riddled with weaknesses that allow it to fall ill in the first place? I know you and I know how sincere you are and how dedicated you are to the Highest.
You wouldn’t be in this healing session if you didn’t have a deep understanding and respect for the natural evolutionary development of the human soul and for the development of your own highest potential. Your desire to be a living vessel of the Divine, which is what we really are, is so genuine. In the light of this status, how is it that a soul comes to reside in a body that is compromised? The compromise is here as an instrument for the glorification and expression of the power of the Divine. Struggle is the shadow that reveals the direction of the shining light of Divinity.
All that matters is the Light. All focus is on the Light. Awareness goes to the Light, and our bodies go to the light of God’s Divine grace. The Light is infinite, incomprehensible love. For each of us, this is the reason for the suffering. The suffering acts as a point of contrast, almost like an anchor point in the material field that defines the spot where the Light most needs to shine. In this healing session, awareness just goes to the Light of the Divine, reverently, openly, humbly. This act of sitting innocently, like a child at the feet of God, opens the floodgates of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion. Any areas that are incomplete, insufficient, not holding the light are revealed and illuminated. They light up with both awareness and boundless love.
The root of suffering is understood as an aspect of ego, personality, or sense of self that has become confused with the grace of God. It has placed itself somehow on an altar of importance above the Source of creation. Internal physical resources are redirected to that aspect of ego. As a result, resources needed to integrate Divinity in this part of the body are unavailable. Where Divine presence should be embodied, some aspect of individuality is found instead. Something less than Totality is there leading to insufficiency in the structure itself. Clearing fear in the causal through mental levels of the body. This is the fear of being revealed. What do you have to lose, if you are found out? Whatever you lose in the sight of God is something that didn’t really belong to you in the first place. We lose our smallness. Anything less than our relationship with God loses the illusion of being “first”.
All relationships are shadows of that relationship. All possessions are relationships with things that are less than That. The only relationship that you need to place appropriately is this one. Once this first relationship is in place, everything else in life will be positioned appropriately. Your pain has a relationship to it, and the first relationship is the antidote to the pain. Repositioning of other relationships requires letting go of expectations and assumptions. These are clearing from the astral through mental levels of the body along with thought forms, impressions, and memory patterns. It is not that we let go of other relationships entirely. We let go of the power that they have over us. Sense of self becomes very stable in its connection to Wholeness. Anything less than Wholeness can no longer grip the mind. The result is a sweet, even response to situations and circumstances, even the worst of them.
There’s a give and take in other relationships. You give and give, but in the first relationship, there’s nothing you can give other than your love in its most innocent, pure, and genuine state. Even your love will be given back to you in multiples. Any love we give to the Divine is replicated to infinity. Here is a technique for the heart.
Here is the process that occurs in the center of the body. The administrative center of the body is home to the heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, immune system, lymphatic system, and the nervous system. We have this tremendous neural network all throughout the chest area here in the center of the body. The purest, most innocent form of love, the love that you have carried since before this lifetime and will carry after this lifetime is offered like flowers at the feet of the Divine. It is offered through a vessel that experiences challenges and weaknesses. It is offered through a vessel that is not always functioning at a hundred percent. The compromised conditions make the act of giving love meaningful because loving through the pain takes even more integrity than loving when times are easy.
Your offering comes in spite of your pain. The soul rises up and reaches to the Divine with all of its softness and love, adoration, dedication and devotion. The reply is boundless resource. It is precisely what you need to heal, the perfect antidote to your pain. The antidote comes straight to the heart, through the center meridian, the great cord of light. There are meridians that run out through the center of the heart, straight out the front of your chest and straight in through the back, through the sides. Through all of these threads of the astral body, love pours in from God, from the Divine, from the highest heavens. You are the receptacle of that which God wanted to give you all along. Satisfaction rides in both directions on the wings of this transfer of resources.
This softness and this love provide the understanding that you are cared for, that what you need is here for you. The heart offers a supplication for the resolution of the imbalances, for the resolution of suffering. The trauma and the original seeds of the trauma responsible for this current suffering are fully illuminated. The essence of the seeds of suffering flavor or color the interaction in this moment between yourself and your God. God knows. You are so beloved and so beautiful. It’s not hard for God. It’s easy that within us, the God within us comes forth with the antidote, with the resolution, with the completion of these ancient long held seeds of imbalance. They dissolve like nothing in the fire of God’s love. That love protects and embraces you without exception, unconditionally while dissolving and resolving the seeds of suffering. The seeds of imbalance and trauma, as well as the discordant feelings start to move out and they also come out through the heart center.
It feels like a kind of cathartic, sweet sorrow. It is like a poignant sweet sorrow moving in the depths of consciousness. That sweet sorrow moving in the depths of consciousness is offered back to the Creator. With this offering your strength, your courage, your patience, your tolerance is displayed. Your true essential Nature is known and appreciated. In the moments when the seeds of suffering were planted, the resolution was also present. Now is the time that the resolution comes forth. Now is the time that you are absolved of the mistakes that sowed the seeds.
What matters is that your dedication to healing is so great that you are able to put your relationship with God first, above all else. Your dedication has placed you in this tender, vulnerable position of sitting devotedly at the feet of God and offering it all. This precious gift does not go unrecognized, but returns to you purified and boundlessly multiplied. Your beautiful heart is cradled in the love of the Divine. In this place, all the resources that are required to heal your beautiful heart from the inside out and thus provide strength and sustenance to the whole circulatory system, the immune system, and the respiratory system are also present. You are loved and protected here. You have a home in the heart of God. You have earned it through decades and lifetimes of seeking that love. Now is the time for the resolution and the illustration, the demonstration of the power of that relationship to transform the body completely and totally from the inside out. From the level of consciousness, all the way through the physical material tissues, may you be well from now and always.
Love and gratitude,
Healing: Healing Intentionally
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- This energy healing realigns the orientation of energy from areas that do not serve your wellbeing to the most efficient focus for life’s most cherished goals. Each moment must not only serve your healing, but also lead to a much higher, greater outcome in the long run.
- The first fundamental of intentional life is to consciously align individuality with the highest and most robust relationship with Divinity. Divinity is within you. It is part of you. It is your source, it is your origin.
- Stabilizing the readiness and flexibility to step out of relative material expectations, judgments, boundaries, and limitations, and the willingness to step into cosmic time.
- All the ways that you show up and all the ways that you know yourself are anchoring back to Wholeness. Each stroke of expression of the Divine that arises as a facet of your nature turns over and gives itself back to the One.
- Through this process, all is forgiven. Through this process, all is seen in perspective. Through this process of turning each leaf over and over, folding it back into the Divine the heart is massaged with a quality of uncompromising unconditional love.
- May Divine grace grant access to the phenomenal resources of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom that are part of your essential Nature. This is the part of you that’s anchored into Wholeness.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
It is stressful to direct life energies and resources uselessly. When attention goes to short-term gains it misses the boat. It is a betrayal of your true Nature to know that there’s a bigger, more important area where attention and focus could yield awesome results and yet not put attention there. The problem is that the redirection of attention from short-term to long-term gains can feel very difficult. Short term gains are like low hanging fruit.
In the four dense levels of the body there are patterns of behavior and habits of reaching for the easy goal. Whereas the long-term gains require dedicated, patient, decisive, flow of intelligence, energy, and creativity. It can feel tedious and often demands sacrifice. Reaching for long term goals is naturally daunting compared to reaching for short-term goals. The reward exceeds the risk with the long term gains, whereas in the short term gains it doesn’t.
It would be just beautiful if every step on the path to achieving the Highest was a little mini short-term gain. Many times it is the case to have long-term and short-term fulfillment together. However, there’s a difference between short-term gains that lead ultimately to a big, big achievement at the end and short-term gains that are empty. The steps of beauty, joy, and perfection that lead to long-term gains require long-term vision. One cannot reach the big goals without clear intention. Illnesses, imbalances, and suffering evolve from layers and layers of actions that didn’t do not lead efficiently on the path to fulfillment. This energy healing realigns the orientation of energy from areas that do not serve your wellbeing to the most efficient focus for life’s most cherished goals. Each moment must not only serve your healing, but also lead to a much higher, greater outcome in the long run.
Living intentionally – The first fundamental of intentional life is to consciously align individuality with the highest and most robust relationship with Divinity. Divinity is within you. It is part of you. It is your source, it is your origin. It is that great eternal Source of everything in creation. This relationship is bigger than any other. So, putting it in order is a monumental task. Order is required throughout the whole spectrum of self/Self. From the most physical to the most abstract the connection to Divinity has an optimal placement. Also, this placement is not static. It changes and adapts to every little change that takes place within and without you.
Stabilizing the readiness and flexibility to step out of relative material expectations, judgments, boundaries, and limitations, and the willingness to step into cosmic time. It doesn’t mean being responsible. It means that there is a level of internal flexibility for both consciousness and the nervous system. Flexibility as a light form is integrating physically, spiritually, and energetically, across the spectrum of density. Flexibility holds the door open for the intentions of the One to guide every aspect of individual expression. That includes thoughts and feelings, physically, mentally, emotionally. A download of the energy signature for that open door is being received. It comes to you through your connection to Wholeness. This energy signature is stabilizing in the causal and astral levels of the physiology. It is in the cord of light.
Opening the door to Divine guidance is a subtle action. It sufficiently honors the greatness and the fullness of Divine Being at the causal and astral levels. These levels represent the many ways you think about yourself, all the archetypal forms, all the Divine, sweet forms, and all those forms that are not so sweet. All the ways that you show up and all the ways that you know yourself are anchoring back to Wholeness. All of these aspects and facets of personality belong to God. Each one sings the song of “Thy will be done!” deep in the causal and astral levels of the body. The energy turns. It turns one leaf at a time. Each stroke of expression of the Divine that arises as a facet of your nature turns over and gives itself back to the One. One after another, the process continues with regularity and intention. This is such a soft, soft stroke of intentional healing expression. It’s such a tender turn of awareness in the causal body right down in the gap between the Unmanifest and manifest levels of creation. Each stroke folds over returning to the Divine, again and again.
As this happens, each leaf of your presence knows itself to be That. It knows itself to be adoringly united with the One, even the parts of ourself that are curmudgeonly or difficult, sarcastic or flippant, frightened or lost. All of them turn and say, “Yes!, I am sarcastic sometimes, but I also give myself to the One. I do what I do in the name of the One.” Through this process, all is forgiven. Through this process, all is seen in perspective. Through this process of turning each leaf over and over, folding it back into the Divine the heart is massaged with a quality of uncompromising unconditional love. Divine love is immeasurable. As the heart is massaged with this sweetness and love, its presence in the body resonates or hums with the energy that communicates perfection to the body.
The heart tells the body that it is beloved beyond measure. It communicates your dedication and devotion to the highest and best health. This manifests through thoughts, choices, and decisions required to lead you down a path that results in optimal health for the body. Often that isn’t the path of the low hanging fruit. The path that leads to long term optimal health might mean giving up late night video watching or going to bed early. It might mean getting up from the computer and going for a walk or who knows? Or maybe the opposite of that. Maybe for you it’s the opposite? I don’t know. All I know is that the principle here is reestablishing a level of relationship between consciousness and the body that results in the body’s highest and best health. The awareness of what is best for you is present within you. It informs your decisions. This leads you to real, living antidotes for the problems that you face. “When the karma is paid, the cure comes.” Your clear intention leads you to that solution that helps you turn the tide on your health concerns. Whatever is wrong can turn around.
Part of that story means waking up to those situations and circumstances where you might be deluding yourself, where you might not be willing to look at what is actually causing you to feel ill or to fall ill. It’s so easy to justify going after the low hanging fruit because its rewards are readily accessible. It can seem obvious to go for the reward that’s here. The problem is that the long term vision required to lead you to actions that make a real difference in your health awakens through the coordinated efforts of your individual intelligence and the intelligence of God/Divinity. Divinity has the long-term vision. The eternal Source of creation sees it all. Through the melding or unification of individuality with Divinity we gain the benefit of the resources of the Divine. We start to employ and use them on a day-to-day basis. They inform choices and decisions. Deeper than that, they inform the sense of self. The sense of self/Self is the foundation for all that we experience.
May today’s healing session integrate self with Self. May Divine grace grant access to the phenomenal resources of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom that are part of your essential Nature. This is the part of you that’s anchored into Wholeness. It’s the part of you that knows it came from the One and is still connected to the One. Today’s session fortifies that connection. May the fortification of this connection, may the power of this connection guide every choice, decision, and action that you make going forward. May it absolutely lead you to the highest, most wonderful, robust health. May, 2024 be a year of fabulous health.
Love and gratitude,
Healing for Dullness And Hypersensitivity To Stress
This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
- Roughness, emotional discord, doubt, and fear of loss are gathered in the cord of light and offered back to the Source of creation. Clearing these feelings reveals illusion, dullness, stubbornness, and distractions that block the Truth.
- As awareness gathers the imbalances and directs them for removal, the energetic channels that were blocked open consistently and gracefully.
- A beautiful light shines within us, the love that is ever present in all parts of creation. We think, oh, it’s in my heart, it’s just in me, but really this love is part of a great vast astral network, the web of life, that is driven and motivated by the same love at a cosmic level, Divine love, the love of God.
- Clearing beliefs, habits, impressions, understandings, many forms born of ignorance and separation. Letting go of defense mechanisms, responses, and reactions to trauma (complex trauma from childhood). This healing deals with pain experienced as a little person.
- The heart speaks and trust comes because you have learned your lessons and evolved. It can be a very intense time where there is a lot of evolution. Through trust a new habit of leaning into the changes that are in your highest and best interests establishes.
Healing. Use the three vertical dots on the right side of the audio player to see download and playback speed options.
Awareness embraces roughness, emotional discord, doubt, and fear of loss. These are gathered in the cord of light and offered back to the Source of creation. Clearing these feelings reveals illusion, dullness, stubbornness, and distractions that block the Truth. Through ignorance the seeds of fear and doubt are sewn. Clearing the illusions, etc. plus resentment and anger in the same way from the channels that run from the wisdom center of the heart up into the head to the area behind the sinuses, and in the mouth and the throat. Also, clearing from the third ventricle of the brain, the limbic system. This area is often the seat of discordant feelings and dissonance.
Two things can happen:
1. Overwhelmed by dissonance, the system defends itself with a dullness that is like spiritual scar tissue. Anytime discordant feelings go unrecognized they sit and fester. The safe context created through energy healing (through your beautiful heart) honors them as a natural byproduct of the human experience. The seeds or the foundation of those imbalances are identified as points of separation from Divine Grace and dissolved through the application of awareness. Awareness is Divine presence directed!
2. One can become hyper sensitized and overly reactive to the dissonance. This second condition leaves a person self producing a stress response, long after a stressful experience has ended. Such a response tends to compound the problems and can quickly lead to illnesses of various types.
As awareness gathers the imbalances and directs them for removal, the energetic channels that were blocked open consistently and gracefully. Balance is restored to the third ventricle of the brain where the body’s regulating organs can now return to a state of balance. This includes the arcuate nucleus, the organ in the third ventricle responsible for appetite regulation.
The astral body consists of thicker, bigger meridians and finer, more delicate ones, as well as the places where there are energy nodes. From the heart up into the head clearing this dullness, hyper sensitivity, and the components that overwhelmed the body in the first place. The nodes especially are little pockets where discordant feelings, cloudiness, and the fear of looking at the truth can get stuck. From the heart center, the softest tenderest compassion, just such sweetness flows into the channels that are clearing. It flows even before the clearing to help soften the experience of letting go.
We don’t remember everything that has happened to us, and we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. We are essentially stuck with our five senses, mind, intellect, intuition, ego. These are our tools for knowing ourselves, knowing reality, and most of all, knowing that essential relationship with the Divine. Within the context of these limitations and boundaries, the mind quiets down and the heart begins to flow. The love that comes from the center of the heart’s wisdom is so sweet. It allows us to use our tools in the most refined and effective way possible.
When the five senses, for example, filter through the heart’s love they converge into a single sense of knowingness. Mind and intellect also, everything converges into a moment of pure presence. This experience is driven by or fueled by the heart’s sweetness. What are we knowing? We’re just knowing this beautiful light that shines within us, the love that is ever present in all parts of creation. We think, oh, it’s in my heart. Oh, it’s just in me, but really this love is part of a great vast network, an astral network, the web of life that is driven and motivated by the same love at a cosmic level, Divine love, the love of God.
As our tools for knowing reality (senses, mind, and intellect) find common ground in the experience of pure Divine love, they become integrated. The tools, supporting each other, become compactified, efficient, and powerful. This results in the experience of reality transcending isolation and separation and becoming holistic. It is driven by, motivated by, and evolved through love. Healing evolves through love. If you ever hear stories of people who’ve had near death experiences or miraculous recoveries from impossible illnesses, they all have in common the awakened awareness of an immeasurable, indescribable, eternal, and ever present value of love.
How does love translate into the healing transformation requiring decisive and carefully orchestrated physical change? Such changes happen at a hormonal level, the level of the body’s proteins or subcellular structures, even even the DNA, right? The DNA in a cancer cell has to be rehabilitated to stop being cancerous and become healthy again. The DNA responds to and interacts with the rest of its environment in a unified and integrated way. Love is the foundation, but the next layer up is trust in the body’s tremendous intelligence. The clear cognition of being fully well means stepping forward into a place of wholeness and wellness that includes all the evolution that you gained through the period of illness. Healing grace includes the evolution that comes from a period of illness. Illness forces rest, reprioritization, and letting go of whatever blocks the most important relationship that exists, which is our relationship with God’s love. Anything not serving the relationship with God, ultimately goes.
Clearing beliefs, habits, impressions, understandings, many forms born of ignorance and separation. Letting go of defense mechanisms, responses, and reactions to trauma (complex trauma from childhood). This healing deals with pain experienced as a little person. The context for understanding experience wasn’t complete and led to becoming overwhelmed and reacting by shutting down or becoming hypersensitive. Clearing habits of avoiding the flow of Truth born of the heart. Merciful compassion and forgiveness that emanate from the heart center purify and uphold health in the tissues, organs, and energy nodes (mouth and the throat and the neck areas, the sinuses). These areas take heart.
The heart speaks and trust comes because you have learned your lessons and evolved. It can be a very intense time where there is a lot of evolution. Through trust a new habit of leaning into the changes that are in your highest and best interests establishes. You can trust that the feelings created and produced by the heart lead to the very best possible effects for the body. The discordant feelings that are underneath or behind illness are finally released. Merciful compassion and forgiveness act like a solvent, dissolving them from the astral body. For many people in this session these discordant feelings were held in the bones, muscles, and soft tissue or the fascia. In those areas also, the discordant feelings are revealed and dissolved. We bless them and grant them the freedom to go back to the Source of creation. Then you can move with grace from this time forward with more lightness, comfort, and truth.
Love and gratitude,
Click here to view more transcripts of Dorothy’s healings