Here are some comments from recipients around the world who’ve received Dorothy’s Distance Energy Healing services. To read about Dorothy’s story, please see About Dorothy Rowe.
“Dorothy is a delightful, wise person and also an exceptionally gifted clairvoyant and clairaudient. She brings insight and healing to a very wide range of situations – physical and mental health, relationships and many other aspects of life.”
— C. J., England
“Dorothy is an exceptionally positive, loving, caring person with rare skills to help enliven the inner intelligence of body and mind to facilitate Self healing. My consultations with her are always effective, transformative, uplifting and delightful.”
— C K. USA, Iowa
I just want to let you know that my friend is doing immensely better in every sense…with his health, expressing more satisfaction, creativity…with his life…more focus on positive side and opportunities…
I’m so happy to see his progress, and he is very much thankful for it. Thank you so much for your services.
— Croatia
“I have had remarkable results and experiences. Dorothy Rowe is a gifted healer and a fountain of Motherly love. Because she clearly perceives eight bodies – from the physical to the Celestial body – and can see into the structure of the DNA, past incarnations and the ancestral realms, as well as the most subtle levels (Quantum) of the physical body, God moves through her to remove the cause of disease, rather than only dealing with the symptoms. The Celestials always help her, and I always experience them too.”
— C. M., USA
“I have had blood sugar metabolism issues my entire adult life. Until I was 60 it was low blood sugar which I monitored by avoiding desserts and eating a snack every few hours. After 60, it mysteriously switched over to high blood sugar, and even an apple or a few figs would put me into the danger zone. Insulin resistance was found to be the culprit. My diabetic friend listened to my symptoms of headaches upon waking from a night’s sleep, dizziness from standing up too quickly, low energy and pain in my legs while trying to climb one flight of stairs. She nodded her head and said, “This is how it starts. I have diabetes Type II, am on medication for life and have to prick my finger every morning to take a blood sample of my glucose levels”.
“After a little research, when I found out that diabetes can cause blindness, gangrene and an early death, I decided I was going to avoid this disease if at all possible! Having heard about Dorothy Rowe from a friend, I decided to give her a try. After the 1st hour session I felt a huge improvement and now can eat things I never could eat before with no blood sugar spike. I also added daily treadmill walking to get more exercise and, so far, 8 months later, I am AOK for my health. Thank you!”
— J. C., Canada
Thank you, Dorothy, for your healing, attention, and email. I felt a cocoon of coherence around me from my arrival at the hospital and throughout my stay.
The surgery and recovery were textbook. I was off morphine within 24 hours. They plan to discharge me tomorrow morning after the minimal recommended time (5 days.) Rather than a frightening stressful experience, this has been a growth experience and in a holistic way. I leave the hospital a wiser, more coherent person.
I am most grateful to you for all your profound work on so many levels. ????
— D.L., Ireland
The sessions were beneficial to my sister as she went through surgery and recovery afterwards. She had very good results with the procedure, and also with quick healing afterwards. Her stay in the hospital was relatively smooth and the staff seemed very responsive and caring. I attribute some of this to the sessions and the positive atmosphere created through the energy healing
— B.H. USA, Arizona
“Dorothy is a wonderful energy worker. All my sessions with her have been inspiring and expansive, and I feel so uplifted after each session. I have learned a lot from her, a lot about the beauty and complexity of creation. I feel she is a gift from God!”
— C.C., Switzerland
Dearest Dorothy, it was such a blissful and profound experience for me yesterday. I am always amazed by the love and light emitting from you. Even looking at you I feel so blissful and touched. After the session, I am swimming in the ocean of bliss and am cheerful and excited. And I found I wake up with a normal blood pressure 125/80 today (usually it is 150/100). Thank you Dorothy, for showing up in my life and supporting me.
— China
Want to let you know how very much I enjoyed my time with you and I feel a much deeper connection with my own God presence as a result of the session. Also, my hips are feeling much happier today! Many, many thanks for this really wonderful work that you do.
With gratitude and love
— P.R. USA, Texas
I would like express in few words all my appreciation, gratitude for helping my brother’s family in healing them. It is so heartwarming to observe how much they grew last days…almost every day each of them are coming with new level of kindness, helpfulness, care. This is a miracle. My niece (daughter of my brother) told me: “What a joy in our house – it is finally peace, my father is calmer, focusing on little things need to be done in house, garden…”
Thank you so much dearest Dorothy for helping my family to deserve better destiny.
— I. Z., Switzerland
“What is even perhaps more exciting to me about this all is how Dorothy is able to clear so much long standing past life and ancestral stuff and help me align with my highest purpose. I have been in such a happy space since the session and am really looking forward to seeing where the next one leads. 🙂
“Dorothy, you are definitely following a calling, as your skill and infectious enthusiasm so delightfully reveal!”
— S. B. USA, Nevada
Just want you to know that your healing sessions (2 so far) have had a very noticeable effect. The attachment I was feeling towards [‘X’] is way less, almost in the background now. I feel stronger and freer, more myself.
Amazingly, right before your healing energy, I was told by someone I respect that if I stay in that relationship it could be potentially extremely dangerous to my spiritual and physical wellbeing. Thank you with all my heart for your enlightened help. I really needed/need that support.
— H.D., Canada
Thanks so much for the extra attention and clearing for [‘X’]. My family were feeling uncomfortable about her situation, and not knowing what to do or what if any help she would accept.
I just talked to her on the phone and she sounds more clear. She is talking in a calm way and not doing so much overtalking like she did before. She had tended to be paranoid. She may still be a little paranoid, but seems to be taking more clear action on the things she really needs to do. I’m feeling more hopeful about her feeling normal again.
I have not yet told her about the work on her. Someday I should be able to. Amazing that she can be helped when she doesn’t even know about it (consciously.)
I am also feeling less stressed and worrying less about her. Thank you for the assistance!
— A. O. USA, Texas
I just wanted to tell you that I’ve felt so good since our meeting, and it’s like magical … it really is. My spirit feels strengthened and I’ve even been reconnecting with energetic parts of me I haven’t felt in years. Something definitely shifted and so I want to thank you again for that.
— N.N. USA, New York, NY
My husband thanks you deeply for the sessions and he would like to continue. As I’ve mentioned before, he is not talkative about spiritual matters/emotions/feelings, therefore he has not expressed how he experiences these healings.
As an external observer, I find that since he started the distance sessions, he generally looks happier, calmer, more focused, more carefree and relaxed. This was not the case before. In addition, during this time, he doesn’t only work but he’s also renovating the house we’re moving into. So he seems to have more energy, as well.
You are the only healer so far that he seems to trust so much and most importantly (for him) be willing to pay. Thank you. ❤️❤️????????
— K., Greece
“Truly feel blessed to meet you in my life. I am grateful for your great wonderful healing, and I am grateful for all the divine beings that contributed. After the healing, I feel more and more close linked with mother earth. I cherished every breath on mother earth. I was so grateful that I even burst into tears. I love mother earth and plants and animals on this planet dearly, but I am deeply saddened and maybe a bit agitated by some human being’s actions. However, now I can feel my love flow to them too. My gratitude to you is without my ability to express.
“On a physical level, my blood pressure came to normal this afternoon. Due to kidney function failure, my blood pressure were quite high recently. But this afternoon I checked and it returned to normal range. I wish this will continue, hoho 🙂 Also, when my father reached the original spots near my spine, I did not feel the acute pain like before (In Chinese original spot system, if you have anything wrong with the physical body, there would be pain in the corresponding original spot). I have less discomfort in my heart area and urinary system area.
“I am amazed by the master’s work today, especially for the energy matrix they made. I can imagine in my mind it is beautiful. Again I am so grateful for your healing. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
“I am writing to thank you for the wonderful healing. It feels like an amazing trip in the magical universe. I feel being loved by God and so many wonderful masterbeings. Again thank you for arranging me the appointment so early. And thank you for spending so much time and energy on me. I am truly grateful.”
— S.S., China
“About eight years ago my knees started hurting whenever I climbed a staircase. The pain got progressively worse until I found I had to climb the stairs by leaning on the banister and pulling myself up. I was in terrible pain.
“I consulted an Orthopedic surgeon who told me that there was almost no cartilage left in my knees and that I would probably have to have a double knee replacement surgery.
“I decided before taking such drastic action I would ask Dorothy if she could help me. We met for about an hour and a half on two consecutive weeks. After the first meeting I felt a difference in my knees. After the second meeting the pain was nearly all gone. Over the next month, the pain gradually went away entirely. Now after about 4 years I am still pain free. Dorothy helped save me a lot of expense, time, pain and inconvenience. Praise God!”
— P. C. USA, Iowa
“This is remarkable and so profound. I am so excited about the experience with Dorothy. I have been seeing some Ancestral things being revealed in and around Money and Abundance, and am allowing myself to let go of small confined thinking and being. I am opening to greatness and Abundance and greater visioning in the physical world, releasing fears passed down from my mother around visioning greatness into being… So amazing! Thank you so much! The Sessions taking place in the morning…are they including the Ancestral Work? I would love to see more of an explanation on the website of what is included in the group and personal sessions! Maybe even some sample and possibly testimonials. You can certainly use anything I send to you in the way of experiences/testimonials. I am sending you Blessings of Love and Appreciation.”
— L. T. USA, California
I have noticed a few improvements in my health situations since the days of distant energy healing. There is less pain in my knees and ankles, especially in the knees. The discomfort and sometimes pain in the gallbladder has stopped. And I am experiencing less fear of life and more joy in life.
— C.C., Canada
“After an appointment, I regain my clarity. It is a simple thing, really, regaining clarity, especially since it was there all along. But unclear thinking leads to an uncertainty of one’s place in life that can be so gripping it seems like the true reality. Sometimes during a session, Dorothy and I even laugh at how the mind can twist and color everything. I find her knowledge of the physiology—details of how the mind and body work—along with her subtle perceptions to be invaluable and I leave each appointment only grateful.”
— S. H., USA
Good news regarding my left knee and my lower back! I have had pain in these areas for a number of years and thus requested 3 sessions from you.
As mentioned in my last report, my knee had been getting better; enough for me to gingerly dance a little now and then. Today I completed a workout from a video with numerous jumping jacks. I was so delighted about my pain free (!!!) knee that I actually completed most of the workout, even though I am quite out of shape and was huffing and puffing. Doing this kind of exercise would not have been possible before without jabbing pain.
The lower back ache remains stubborn and has taken time, but the clearly discernible blockage on the left side has gone now. It’s so amazing to be sitting in a chair and not feel the pain I had grown accustomed to! And I can get up from a sitting position without pain now! Wow, it’s been a long while since it was like that.
So I am very happy with the positive developments. Considering I felt these impediments to be rather entrenched, and was very unhappy about them and very impaired for years, this is pretty miraculous. And very joyful for me! Thank you!
— D.C., Switzerland
“Dear Dorothy, I cannot thank you enough for your extraordinary gift of multi-dimensional healing – your wisdom, your generosity and kindness. I have been recording our Skype calls and they are beyond amazing. Do you find with other clients that each time they listen to them there’s a deepening that happens? With all my heart and the deepest appreciation and gratitude for all that you do.”
— W. T. USA, California
The atmosphere in our home is better. As for [“X”], she has brain lesions over her whole brain so it will probably take longer to see any changes. In any case we will continue with the therapy …
[After several more sessions…]
Regarding my parents, I can say that they seem to have more energy after the treatment, and my mother shows improvement in communication (she is more aware in conversations). I am planning to sign up for another treatment for them again soon.
And as for [ “X”], the results are evident – her left arm that was previously in spasm, is much more relaxed and there are times when it is completely relaxed and the left leg has a wider range of movement and more strength which helps her in walk-related exercises. I definitely want to schedule a continuous therapy for her.
— M. F., Croatia
“What is even perhaps more exciting to me about this all is how you are able to clear so much long standing past life and ancestral stuff and help me align with my highest purpose. I have been in such a happy space since the session and am really looking forward to seeing where the next one leads:) You are definitely following a calling, as your skill and infectious enthusiasm so delightfully reveal!”
— B. S. USA, Iowa
“Dorothy, I want to express my gratitude for our wonderful session yesterday. I felt asleep last night at 7:30 pm and had the deepest, most peaceful sleep that I’ve enjoyed in several years. I woke up today feeling so much more like myself, much much better, and my eyesight is actually better too!!! Thank you so much.
“I’m feeling so different this morning; a number of things were healed. There’s a general feeling of peace permeating my brain and my being; tension is gone. I feel very blissful and so grateful. “Also, I’m not feeling any pain or discomfort near the right ovary. I really believe that was healed and released. What profound work you are doing Dorothy! Thank you again with all my heart.”
— M.N., USA
“I have known Dorothy Rowe for 32 years. She has the biggest heart and it’s open to everyone without exception. In 2007, she had an awakening experience of omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. Her I AM PRESENCE, GOD SELF has guided her to use this awakening experience to help alleviate suffering energetically from anyone who comes to her. The profound insights that are expressed to Dorothy from GOD SELF while doing this energetic work are from Truth and give the client a feeling of more completeness.
“Dorothy’s clients finish a session feeling more holistic, energized, with a greater vision of who they are. If you are searching for better health, more emotional stability and peace of mind, have a session. You won’t regret it.”
— N. C. USA, Iowa