
Welcome to my website!

My goal is empower everyone to use energy healing to improve health, relationships, and their manifesting abilities. Please enjoy browsing my distance energy work services, free offerings, knowledge base, and blog. — Love and gratitude, Dorothy Rowe

“May every impulse of life flowing through us fortify the relationship between ourselves and our bodies. May we cherish our precious bodies through thought, speech, feeling and action. May the immeasurable love of the Creator, and the Absolute pure, truth of Source radiate through every particle of our amazing physical forms. May this love, truth and purity, which we are, guide our choices and decisions about self-care. May it be so.” — Dorothy Rowe

Energy Healing Webinars with Dorothy Rowe

Unlock the secrets of the laws that govern energy healing with Dorothy Rowe. Gain insights into the mechanics behind the process as Dorothy unravels the mysteries of energy healing through demonstration, direct experience, and the cultivation of understanding.

Dorothy’s webinars provide a simple and natural approach to unlocking your full potential. Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, where healing, transformation, and empowerment await you. Delve into health, relationships, and manifestation during these captivating live sessions, held every three to four weeks. Connect through Zoom for immersive 1 hour and 15-minute online seminars.

Distance Healing Sessions by Dorothy Rowe

This is a budget-friendly option and is Dorothy’s most-requested energy healing service. It’s perfect for those who need immediate attention. Enjoy short, ongoing doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.

In distance energy sessions, the light of Pure Awareness illuminates the areas requiring change. So each person is getting what they need from their own genuine connection to Source. My job is to make sure everyone’s connection to Source is clear and lively.

Energy Healing Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive workshop, meticulously crafted to demystify energy healing. This workshop integrates all aspects of energy healing into a harmonious whole. Join us for an immersive adventure, featuring live sessions, exclusive videos, and a wealth of materials accessible via our private website section. The upcoming 11-lesson workshop starts April 17, 2024 and runs until September 5, 2024. It’s time to transform your life!

Distance Energy Work Knowledge Base

Here are definitions of terms used in Dorothy Rowe’s distance energy work articles and videos – a wealth of information about energy healing and consciousness.

Learn how to use energy healing to improve your health and expand your horizons.

Healing Consultations

Personal energy healing consultations with Dorothy Rowe are available for $600 for a 90-minute consultation. Waiting times can be long, so Dorothy also offers Distance Healing Sessions which can start within 2- to 4 days.

“The source of the challenge is identified by Divine Intelligence. I am reporting. My perspective is added to your perspective, and a multidimensional picture forms. The imbalance or illness is transformed through the awakening of your healing potential. ”

Dorothy’s Two Endless Possibilites Podcast Interviews

The Schumann Resonance in the Earth’s Ionosphere

The Schumann resonance is ever-present in the Earth’s ionosphere. The hum of its presence is shared by every living thing. We are so fortunate to have this sound structure uniting us all. Our physical bodies are ever aware of its voice.

In energy healing, it is possible to put awareness on the Schumann resonance and thus join hands with Earth’s living family. This simple act of directing awareness to that sound frequency that we all hold in common is a precious tool for magnifying unity and harmony.

But there is more. It is possible to use the Schumann resonance like an Internet made of consciousness. Whatever intention is offered into it propagates throughout our world family. A healing gift can be expanded in this way to reach everyone.

Because the Schumann resonance is consistent in its frequency, it naturally filters out whatever does not support life.

There are many recordings of the Schumann resonance on the market. I especially like this particular recording. I have found it to be remarkably pure and effortless to enjoy. Here is our affiliate link if you wish to find out more and listen to a sample:

Sign up for Dorothy’s Newsletter!

Every issue contains a free energy healing, news of recent videos, and announcement of webinars. So this is the best way to keep informed about Dorothy’s offerings!

Testimonials to Dorothy’s Work

Dorothy as an energy healer and as a consultant has helped thousands of individuals develop their healing potential. Dorothy now has clients on six continents.

How I Became an Energy Healer
Healing with Your Hands

Life is precious. You are precious. The fate of our human family is in the hands of our collective ability to support the evolutionary intentions of the Divine Source here, at this time in history. —Dorothy

Here is the Video of Dorothy’s Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview. Audio Podcast of Dorothy’s interview.

Transcript of Dorothy’s Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview.

Dorothy’s Media Kit