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What Is Energy Healing?

Energy work, or energy healing intelligently directs attention to the origins of illness or concern with the intention to promote healing. As a result, this allows the body’s own intelligence to transform the seed of discomfort. The source of the suffering then dissolves. The area which it occupied then takes on the form of the original intention of health. It is that simple. Most important, this non-invasive process is easy to learn and practice.

Energy healing has 2 main principles:

  • The presence of God is within everyone. Certainly this presence has the resources necessary to affect any healing. It is fine if you don’t believe in God, because a disbelief in God will not stop the healing– everyone and everything contains the organizing intelligence of the whole creation.
  • What we think of as “our body” is actually a continuum of intelligence. It spans the quantum level of creation that underlies its cells to the densest level of creation, our physical reality.

Presence of God/Divine Intelligence

The universe exists in layers. There is a non-changing, eternal level of God which is beyond all exists in time and space. And there is also a level of this Divine Intelligence residing within each of us. That level changes as we change. And it evolves as we evolve.

A beautiful web of life connects all parts of creation to each other. This living matrix of filaments also spans all dimensions of space and time. Distance Energy Work occurs through this communication network. So it allows us to heal the past–the existence of the web of life allows the past and future to collapse into the eternally present moment.

The Continuum of the Body

The intelligence of nature is found everywhere. For instance, it is in the finest abstract level of life and also in the most physical level. We classify these layers of reality to improve our attention and focus our healing energies. Different laws of Nature dominate at different levels of density and size. To understand the process of energy healing better, we use the following terms to describe these different levels.

What is Energy Healing: The Four Denser Bodies

The four denser or lower bodies are usually associated with the present life and are more manifest, apparent and familiar to us.

  1. Physical body – We are most famililar with our physical body, comprised of organs and organ systems. Imbalances are sometimes sitting at very fine levels of this layer. In order to eliminate these imbalances, our vision must travel like a microscope to the deepest levels of the physiology.
  2. Etheric Body – The etheric body is an energetic map of the physical form. It looks like the physical body but not as dense. Often the experience of physical pain is held in this body. For instance, it is possible to feel pain in a limb or organ that is physically missing.
  3. Mental Body – The mental body comprises conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind and the avenue of awareness. We create certain role-playing games from this level of being.
  4. Emotional Body – The emotional body is the body of desire, and this is also the body of feelings. Our “gut feelings” originate from here. Intuition arises as an integration between the mental and emotional bodies.

What is Energy Healing: The Four Subtle Bodies

These layers associate with the permanent self and are multidimensional. They are closer to the unmanifest, eternal, absolute field of life.

  1. Astral Body – The astral body is the most dense level of the subtler bodies. It acts as shielding for the body. When healthy, its appearance is smooth, like fine filaments of light aligned together. When healthy, the astral body has a somewhat resilient texture that disallows the invasion of other energy forms such as viruses, intentions, thought forms, etc.
  2. Causal Body – This level has seven rays or layers and contains mechanisms, or energy organs. These subtle organs direct Divine energy or intelligence into specific channels to give rise to the more manifested levels of creation. All collective forms of self are here, including angels, devas, gods, as well as the realms of creation. At its finest level, the causal body takes on the form of locations, or fields. Furthermore, resources for healing are most often implemented from this level of the body.
  3. Dynamic Silence – This level is purely unmanifest, but just at the edge of awareness of its own nature. Here the three-in-one dynamics of consciousness function to create the first tender stirring of life. In Sanskrit this level is known as Saguna Brahm.
  4. Pure Silence – This is pure quality-less, unmanifest Being that folds completely into its own nature. It is an infinite ocean of silence, resting within itself. In the gap between Pure Silence and Dynamic Silence there is a most delicate movement, or transformation of Being. This is where all the resources required for healing emerge. In Sanskrit, this level is known as Nirguna Brahm.

For More information, please visit my YouTube Channel’s playlist on The Fundamentals of Energy Healing.

To read about my story, please see About Dorothy Rowe.

To see a list of my frequently used energy healing terms, please see my Lexicon

Here are some of my free energy healing resources.

Distance Energy Work Sessions

This is Dorothy’s most popular service. Distance Healing sessions – a budget-friendly option – is perfect for those who require immediate attention. Enjoy short, ongoing doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.

Dorothy Rowe
Love and gratitude,