Personal energy healing consultations with Dorothy Rowe
Personal energy healing consultations with Dorothy Rowe are available for $350 and are 60 minutes in length. They are conducted via Zoom or phone. The fee includes a video recording (if the consultation is via Zoom) and a follow-up email with individualized recommendations. The wait for a consultation varies, but ranges from several weeks to several months. As a less expensive and faster alternative, we recommend Dorothy’s Distance Healing Sessions that start within two to four days.
Several things happen during a personal energy healing consultation with Dorothy. She explains the process:
- The source of the challenge is identified by Divine Intelligence. I am reporting.
- My perspective gets added to your perspective, and a multidimensional picture forms.
- The imbalance or illness becomes transformed and healed from its deepest origins. (Read more about this topic on this page: What is Energy Work?)
- It is not I who does the healing. Instead, Divine Intelligence – the all-knowing, all-seeing Source of everything administrates the work while the body’s healing intelligence carries it out.
- As we navigate through this experience together you gain both experience and understanding of energy healing.
- Always you come away more capable at dealing with challenges, whether they are concrete or abstract, as well as experiencing relief from concerns.
A healing consultation engages these steps many times. Your body’s deep healing wisdom gains more familiarity with each cycle of experience.
Dorothy conducts healing consultations via phone or Zoom videoconferencing. She prefers to connect via Zoom, which allows you to make a recording of the session (or receive one from Dorothy, if you prefer). We will send an invoice two weeks in advance of the consultation, and payment is due one week before the session.