Home » Energy Healing Workshop

Energy Healing Workshop

Dorothy Rowe’s current 11-Lesson Energy Healing Workshop is being held April 17 to September 5, 2024.

If you wish to find out about Dorothy’s future workshops, please see this page.

If you are registered as a participant of the current workshop, please use the following links to access the course pages and forum:

Click here to log in to Dorothy’s Energy Healing Workshop if you are NOT yet logged into the course on this computer or device.

Note: you will get an error message if you try to use the above link and are already logged into the course on your computer or device. In that case, close the login screen and use the link below.

Click Here to enter the Workshop if you are already logged in to the course on this computer or device.

Note: Workshop participants will be emailed Zoom links for the live, interactive Zoom portion of this course.