Free Energy Healing for Herpes
Before we offer an energy healing for herpes, let’s consider why herpes is such a challenge to overcome. The reason that herpes is so hard to overcome is because the virus has a very hard outer shell.
Normally our body’s immune system destroys viruses by taking a DNA sample of the virus, then making a protein which will destroy that virus based on its DNA composition. However the virus’s hard shell makes it extremely challenging for the immune system to penetrate and destroy the herpes virus.
Here’s an electron microscope picture of a herpes virus cell:
(Source: Wikipedia)
Antibiotics are not used for viruses because viruses don’t have cell walls that can be attacked by antibiotics. As mentioned above, viruses have a strong protein coating or membrane.
Oregano Oil is Very Useful
Oregano oil seems to work, however, thanks to a compound called carvacrol. Carvacrol helps fight the herpes virus because it attacks the virus’s protective membranes. Herbalized oils can vary in strength. It is recommended to dilute with a carrier oil or test on a small area to be sure that your skin will handle the oil comfortably.
Not only does oil of oregano help break down the virus’s membrane coating, it delivers natural and powerful antibiotics as soon as the membrane is dissolved. And once the protective coating is dissolved, the virus becomes vulnerable.
Free Energy Healing for Herpes
(Estimated viewing time: 11:42 minutes)
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