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Devas: the Structuring Intelligence of Nature


Devas are sparks of intelligence in Nature. As such, they maintain both the structure and health of all life forms on this planet. We live in a big Universe, with many variations on the theme of Divinity expressing itself as form. All beings in creation originate from the silent field of Pure Being. Some beings – … Read more

Dharma: Indomitable Force of Nature that Sustains Harmony and Order

Dharma - indomitable force of nature that sustains all good

Dharma is the indomitable force of nature that sustains harmony, order, and all good in the world. In other words, it supports and sustains the evolution of life and discourages all that is opposed to it. Dharma promotes spiritual freedom and worldly prosperity. Living in your Dharma refers to the right way of living, living … Read more

Digestion and the Digestive System: Processing Experience

Digestion and the Digestive System – A Processing Experience General points: Food is converted sunlight When we eat – doesn’t matter whether plant or animal products – we are essentially benefiting from the original conversion of sunlight into energy. Photosynthesis is a delightfully concise encodement of the Divine Dialogue. For those new to the term … Read more

Digestive Mastery Protocol

Loving Your Microbiome for Better Health The Digestive Mastery Protocol is a simple but effective plan which you can use to improve your digestion and microbiome. Some Facts about Gut Bacteria The Digestive System and Nervous System During the earliest stages of embryonic development, the digestive system and the nervous system form as parallel tubes. In our … Read more

Divine Being: All That Is and Ever Could Be

Divine Being: All That Is and Ever Could Be

Source, Course and Goal of All Life Divine Being is the Source of Creation as it exists both within us, as individuals, and within the entire creation. It is Divine because it is absolutely beneficent. Furthermore, it is unbounded, silent, eternal and unchanging. And this is because its Nature is unmanifest. When creation begins to … Read more

Downloads: Receiving Divine Guidance

Pink lotus blossom bursts open a mirrors the natural process of a download giving Divine guidance.

The word Download refers to a natural process of receiving Divine guidance, and vast amounts of information very quickly. Normally our awareness is in the area of the conscious mind. Now, take a moment and switch that awareness over to just the body. When you feel the awareness into the body, first you feel the … Read more