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Falling: an energy healing perspective

At its deepest level, falling represents losing your anchor to the Source of creation, aka “Falling from Grace.” It happens when the dynamics of separation shroud the anchor to your true Self. The dynamics of separation, however, are not actually an enemy. If there is an enemy, it is when the experience of separation clouds the reality of your … Read more

Fatigue After a Night’s Sleep: Purification and Spiritual Practice

Bharat Spiritual Serene Peace India

Fatigue After a Night’s Sleep Let’s consider fatigue after a night’s sleep and our spiritual practice. It is not uncommon for people on a spiritual path to wake in the morning feeling tired. Often, they feel as if they have been working all night long. But don’t despair, there is a reason for this—the body … Read more

Flow of Consciousness: Engaging the Power of Creation

Consciousness—Unmanifest Silent Wholeness becoming the Diverse Manifestation of Creation The Flow of Consciousness moves cyclically from the unmanifest ocean of silent wholeness to the infinitely diverse manifestation of the whole creation. The Source of Creation, Pure Being, is unmanifest, yet responsible for all that is. The manifest level of creation is a commentary on the … Read more

Fungal Infections: Recognizing Negative Energy Resonation

Recognizing the energy signature of the fungus invader and disabling its negative energies Fungal infections, as with other infections, are connected to a false, inner experience of separation. They can also arise from an incomplete integration between individuality and universality. The “invaders” are understood in terms of Self when the self-integration is total. (That is … Read more