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Fungal Infections: Recognizing Negative Energy Resonation

Recognizing the energy signature of the fungus invader and disabling its negative energies

Fungal infections, as with other infections, are connected to a false, inner experience of separation. They can also arise from an incomplete integration between individuality and universality.

The “invaders” are understood in terms of Self when the self-integration is total. (That is to say, when the inner experience of universality exists.) In this situation, they respond to your personal intention rather than fighting against you.

The invader has a “personality” in the form of an energy resonation. The energy resonation is incomplete, however. This is because the fungus does not see itself in terms of the Totality or Wholeness of life.

Fortunately, once you recognize the energy signature of the fungus, your awareness will provide an antidote in the form of a corresponding energy frequency which “completes” the energy frequency of the fungus. In other words, you change or disable the negative fungal energy resonation signature.

What can we do to disable the negative fungal infection energy? We can bring our nervous system up to 100% Pure Being. In order to achieve this, balance is the key. The negativity is the fungus energy; the positivity is your healing energy.

What is the action step?

The action step to overcome fungal infections, or any infection for that matter, is to position awareness directly between these two energies, thus creating balance. You establish personal identification with Being, rather than with the darkness or the light. We can create a transformation of healing when we get the darkness and the light to work together. Please use the protocol on this page: Infections: Master Your Own Healing Process.

If you would like Dorothy’s energy healing help, please read more here about Personal Consultations. And the following video is helpful too.


Fundamentals of Energy Healing – Lesson One

(Estimated viewing time: 13:06 minutes)

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