Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
The Auric Field – The Subtle Energy Field Around the Chakras and Body
Auric field refers to one of the layers of energy around the body. From what I can tell, the chakras appear to generate auric field energies. Subsequently, each chakra has its own unique auric field which contributes to the overall auric effect around the body.
This field straddles a range between the emotional body and the astral body. Colors commonly associated with the auric field come from the astral and emotional levels of self – they are expressions of our feelings, from fine to concrete.
The auric field is both a receiver and a transmitter of universal information.
The astral body is naturally attuned to the subtle realms of creation in which the soul resonates. As such, one of the aura’s primary functions is the transmission and reception of emotional information. However, the laws of the particular realms to which we align either constrain or liberate our actions.
For example, if a person’s nature is drawn toward creating value, beauty, and happiness, then their soul naturally aligns with subtle realms of softness and light. When they feel an emotion, the feeling becomes influenced by their soul’s placement in the subtle fields, and will manifest in a form which is life supporting for themselves and others.
However, if a person is very self-centered, or psychotic, their being will be positioned in realms where energy frequencies exacerbate negativity. This causes actions to have a generally damaging effect.
Therefore, the auric field plays a connective and protective role for emotional experience. For this reason it also has an intimate connection to the body’s immune system.
Not surprisingly, the thymus, the gland which regulates immune function, sits very near the core of the heart chakra. (The heart chakra is where we access our finest level of feeling.) Healing the auric field is important for healing emotional issues, and illnesses which affect immunity, such as infections and auto immune disease.
Activation to Perceive Subtle Realms for Energy Work
(Estimated viewing time: 32:11 minutes)
Check out Dorothy’s YouTube Channel for more free energy healing videos.
Overview of Healing for the Auric Fields of All Seven Body Chakras
- Understanding structure of the auric field of a chakra
- Clearing for the outer layer of the auric field of all seven body chakras
- Integrating Being with morphic fields in order to support healthy order in the auric field.
The Process
- This healing is activated as you hear it because energy healing takes place outside the constraints of space and time.
- Even though Dorothy performs the healing at one time, anyone from that time forward can benefit from that healing.
- Additionally, the healings become more powerful over time as more and more people participate.
- Also, the same person, coming back more than once to the same healing, will receive ever deepening layers of benefit from the healings.