Body Blueprint – an Energy Form
The body blueprint is an energetic form. (Not DNA, sometimes referred to as the blueprint of the body.)
The body blueprint has actual layers of manifestation. The most abstract layer is like a template. As such, it exists within the structure of our Universe as pure potential. And has been doing so since near the beginning of creation.
In this abstract form there is only one blueprint for the human form. Over the course of time, however, this form evolved, diversified, and became more defined. Layers of manifestation emerged. Various versions of the original, abstract body blueprint evolved to accommodate different body types, racial varieties, etc. And the soul became endowed with unique characteristics and features – yet at the sometime, allowed to retain the value of purity and refinement required to sufficiently reflect Divine Being. (The human body was originally designed to be a vehicle for Divine Being.)
As babies, we start with the blueprint in its most essential form. Interaction in this relative field of expression can cause memory loss of the body’s original pure form.
Why does the body lose a grip on that original form? Which part of the body forgets?
I am seeing that the memory is held both in the unconscious level of the mental body, and in the body’s cellular memory as well. The blueprint is intimately tied to the intention of Divine Being to be human.
This explains why the blueprint is centered in the fifth chakra, the throat chakra, the seat of Logos. This seat of Logos is the tool of the Divine to express Infinite Silence in the manifest level of Creation. And to do so in such an orderly manner as to sufficiently reflect infinity in a single point of expression.
The body must be capable of allowing Divinity to live in a way that adds to the collective bliss of the whole Universe. If this objective isn’t met, then the body is not serving its basic purpose. Then problems start to arise in the form of illness.
Healing the body blueprint yourself:
- Close the eyes. It is easier for awareness to fathom the abstract with the eyes closed. The mind quiets down.
- You can locate your personal code, or blueprint , in an archival area of creation that stores principles of structuring. Blueprints for everything are in this location. As you can imagine it is quite orderly. Use the perspective of the causal body to locate it.
- Identify the energy signature of this location and quietly request access to your personal code. You always have the full rights to your personal code. And will receive it as a simple response to a respectful request.
- Offer gratitude, recognition, reverence, love, or any other feeling that you deem appropriate as a response to receiving your code.
- Awareness rests in Pure Inner Silence. From this location the fresh code can integrate and stabilize in the body in the most graceful way. You are bringing this about, even if there isn’t a lot of thought involved in the process. In fact, less concrete thought and more pure feeling is the best and most direct method of purifying, of replacing the corrupted code with the renewed code.
Free Energy Healing for your Body Blueprint
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