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Orientation to Energy Healing

Basic Information

What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing FAQs

Deeper Understanding

Our Earth Experiences

Our Four Dense Bodies

Our Four Subtle Bodies

Healing Space: How to Activate

Paradigm: Shifting Our Understanding of the Healing Process

Paradigm Wheel: Transforming the Foundations of Health

Healing Specific Physical Conditions



Chronic Conditions

Digestion and the Digestive System

Fungal Infections

Heart: the Structure that Promotes the Flow of Bliss

Heart Support: Ayurvedic Oil Therapy



Immune System


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)




Mouth and Speech

Multiple Sclerosis


Respiratory System

Shoulders, Arms, and Wrists

Teeth and Gums



Healing Specific Life Issues




Congenital Imbalances: Imbalances Inherited from Ancestors

Depression: Healing Depression with Energy Healing

Emotional Healing


How to Remove Energy Hooks, Cords, etc.

Insomnia: Simple Techniques to Sleep Well

Judgment: Don’t Waste Your Time Judging Others

Karma: Action for which We are Responsible

Manifesting Wealth by Doing What You Love

Self-Love: How to Love Yourself

Sleep: Simple Techniques to Sleep Well

Sleep: Purification and Spiritual Practice

Vicious Cycles: Non-Life Supporting Patterns of Thinking and Action

Weight Loss: Energy Healing for Weight Management

Additional Energy Healing Tools and Terms


Healings Activated As You Read Them

Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Detox and Rejuvenation Technique

Digestive Mastery Protocol: Loving Your Microbiome for Better Health

Ghee: Clarified Butter, A Multipurpose Oil


112 Point Matrix: The Shiva Matrix

Axes of Consciousness: Points of Reference for Navigating the Ocean of Consciousness

Causal Medicine: Light Medicines Produced by the Causal Body

Debts of Karma that Can Be Changed

Dharma: Indomitable Force of Nature

Divine Dialogue: the Process of Energy Healing

Ego: Raising Individual Ego to Cosmic Ego

Electronic Belt: Record of all the Laws of Nature

Energy Healing Algorithm and How to Use It

Energy Healing Matrices: Using the Power of the Flow of Consciousness to Heal

Flow of Consciousness: Engaging the Power of Creation

Light Medicine: Creating Healthy Energy Frequencies

Receiving Divine Guidance

Shiva Matrix: 112 Point Matrix

Solar Eclipse: Making the Most of It

Speech: Capturing the Spirit of Divine Intention

Tarpanum: Ancient Vedic Offering of Homage to the Pitris

Vortex: A Naturally Occurring, Vibrant Earth Energy Center

Additional Knowledge (Advanced)

Physiological Systems, Structures, etc.

Amygdala: Part of Brain’s Limbic System, Registering the Experience of Pain

Cortical Structures: the Cerebral Cortex

Hypothalamus: the Part of the Brain Mainly Concerned with Homeostasis

Limbic System: Brain Structure that Supports Emotional Life

Microbiomes: Microorganisms in a Particular Environment

Mitochondria: Principal Energy Source of Cells

Neurochemicals: Pathways to Self-Healing

Nucleus Accumbens: Pleasure Center of the Brain

Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation

Pineal Gland: the Third Eye, Creating the Perfect State of Being 

Pituitary Gland: Overseer of the Endocrine System

Prefrontal Cortex: Executive Function of the Brain

Serotonin: Primary Hormone Produced by the Pineal Gland

Thymus: Main Administrator of the Immune System

Finer than the Physical

Subtler layers of our body

Auric Field: Energy Field Around the Chakras and Body

Body Blueprint: Original Energetic Pattern for the Body

Emotional Body: Bridge between our Dense and Subtle Bodies

Etheric Body: The Bridge Between Ideas and Form

Mental Body: Healing Through Consciousness

Chakras and Maha Marmas

Chakra Overview: Energy Organs or Energy Centers in the Body

Root Chakra (Muladhara): 1st Chakra, Base Chakra, Ancient Earth Energy

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): 2nd Chakra, Expansive, Creative Energy

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): 3rd Chakra, Energy of the Sun

Heart Chakra (Anahata): 4th Chakra

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): 5th Chakra Expression, Motivation and Truth

Forehead Chakra (Ajna): 6th chakra, Located in the Head at the Pineal Gland

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): 7th Chakra, Access Point for Celestial Energies

Hand Chakras, Healing Energy Centers in the Palms of Our Hands

Maha Marmas: the Three Major Energy Centers for Healing

Subtle Bodies and Realms: Astral and Causal 

Agni: Lord of Fire, the Primordial Fire of Creation

Ancestral Archive: Collected Energies of the Ancestors Found in Consciousness

Angelic Energy: Manifestation of Our Future Self

Astral Body: Densest of the Four Subtle Levels of Manifest Self

Body Elemental: Intelligence Responsible for Physical Functions

Causal Body: Seat of Human Potential

Cord of Light: Subtle Structure In The Mind/Body System

Devas: Structuring Intelligence of Nature

Earth Deva: Nature Spirit

Energy Resonation: Vibrational Shift in the Energy Patterns of Humanity

Ketu and Rahu: Intense Points of Influence in Our Lives

Nagas: Ancient Beings, Our Body Devatas

Narasimha: the Fourth Avatar of Vishnu, the Protector God

Prana: Vital Energy or Life Force

Sacred Gardens of the Heart: Spaces in Subtle Realms of Creation

Soma: Finest Product of Digestion

Subtle Realms of Creation: Energy Signatures from Dark to Light

The Source of Creation and Its First Manifestations

Big Self: God Presence, the Quality of Divine Being

Brahman: Energy Responsible for Creating the Universe

Divine Being: All That Is and Ever Could Be

Narayana: Vishnu—the Sustainer of the Universe

Pure Being: State of Pure Existence

Totality: Undifferentiated Wholeness of Consciousness

Unified Field: Atman, or Pure Consciousness