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Healing Depression with Energy Healing

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Overview – three main points:

1. Depression and suicide grow stronger in the presence of negativity. For this reason, direct attempts to destroy them don’t work. True change has to come from a deeper level.

2. Experiencing thoughts indicates that awareness is stationed in the active area of the mind. When the mind engages in thought, it is engaged in the field of meaning and cannot experience the true source of the thought.

3. Depression is not merely a mental or emotional disorder. It includes ancestral and microbial components.

The Problem:

The seed of both depression and suicide resides at a very deep, feeling level of the mind. I call this level the Causal body. Healing depression involves approaching it from the level of the causal body. This is where the seed of depression was sown.

Awareness expands when it moves from the surface to the depths. From the perspective of the surface thinking mind, depression and suicide appear to be so big. However, it is really a series of little packages, or imbalances, systemically distributed through the subtle field of impression and feeling. 

When approaching from the surface of the mind, depression always gets the upper hand. The thinking mind can become quickly overwhelmed by malevolent feelings.  

The main tool of depression is illusion. Thus, logic is powerless against it. By establishing awareness in the field of pure Truth the resources for eliminating illusion are made available.

One Cause of Depression: Unresolved Anger

Unresolved anger is often a contributor to depression. Anger is a force of power that arises when a big change is needed. If we ignore the need for change, anger can build up. If the body becomes overwhelmed by the build-up of anger, major problems can occur internally. For this reason, it’s best to recognize anger early and to direct the energy toward evolutionary change. 

The Solution:

The solution is to position awareness with the Source of creation. There are many ways to experience the Source of creation and energy healing integrates this experience. Once the mind knows the Source of creation, it is always available. Furthermore, everything in the created universe is smaller than Source of creation, including feelings that previously overwhelmed the system. As a result, depression and suicide cannot prevail in the face of Divine Being (Source). The light of your infinite Source reveals the truth behind all illusions. It cleanses imbalances, impurities, and falsehoods, and it creates balance. 

The light of your Divine Source uplifts the world through dharma. Dharma, when applied to depression and suicidal feelings reforms them as supporters of life, rather than destroyers of life.

Another Cause of Depression: the Gut Connection:

Your microbiome creates about 50% of the neurochemicals which support a healthy mood. It is very common for people with depression to also have problems with digestion. For this reason, we can reduce depression by attending to our health – and especially the diversity of the gut bacteria. 

Simple Exercises You Can Do

I offer Digestive Mastery Protocol to everyone for promoting maximum well-being of digestion. Enjoy this wonderful exercise for promoting gut health, gifted to me through my work.  

Also, another helpful exercise is the Heartbeam Procedure.

Enjoy the free healing videos below, and the audio and text healing. And if you would like assistance with healing, click on Energy Healing Services for more information.


Free Energy Healing for Depression

(Estimated viewing time: 15:44 minutes)

Healing for Mental Illness

(Estimated viewing time: 4:30 minutes)

Healing for Depression


  • I am seeing threads of light ascending through our shoulders. This energy is radiant with compassion.   
  • This softness and compassion is increasing suppleness in the web of life. It is releasing imbalances from our collective field.   
  • As this flow continues, I notice it drawing discordant feelings from the depths of the emotional body, up and away from the physical form. 
  • With these discordant feelings cleared, uplifting light is able to emerge from deep in the physical body. 
  • The flow of light in and through this healing session has been valuable. The flow of light in our bodies and healing collective is helping to release pressure and buckling in the web of life. 


Here is an audio version of this healing.

Threads of light

There is a lot of very light energy moving up and out of the chest. I am seeing threads of light ascending through our shoulders. This energy is radiant with compassion.

The movement of this energy is a subtle action. Usually such actions are attributed to angels. I use that word ‘angels’ with some hesitance. Understand that such actions evolve from one’s own body, one’s own consciousness. This energy coming up through the upper body has a sound. This sound is associated with the music of heaven. Again, this is a function of your own body. The glories of heaven, including angels, reside within the field of your consciousness.

Softness and compassion release imbalances

There is such a delicate softness in this energy. It is received effortlessly by the web of life. Charity is a tool of self-protection for humanity. Dharma underlies charity. Dharma also sustains other tools of self-protection: austerity, devotion, medicine, and meditation. This softness is increasing suppleness in the web of life. It is releasing imbalances from our collective field.

As the collective field purifies, pressure eases on all our bodies. The flow of this light is both softening and purifying. Furthermore, the amount of compassion increases as the softness and purity increases in the field of life.

We are understanding how the folds of the astral field—the web of life—influence the material world. Most importantly, we are understanding how the astral field affects its nearest neighbor, the emotional body. This offering of soft compassion increases the ability of these aspects of ourselves to receive the light of Divine Source.

Discordant feelings are released from emotional body

As this flow continues, I am noticing it drawing discordant feelings from the depths of the emotional body, up and away from the physical form. Depression particularly is becoming dislodged from the emotional body. And these discordant feelings are being released directly through the skin.

These feelings were held mostly in the upper body, and chest area. Consequently, the systems and organs of this area are experiencing a release of pressure as the discordant feelings release.

Now a deeper layer of potential healing is occurring in the chest area. (The chest is associated with the heart and cardio-pulmonary system. The relationship between the respiratory and circulatory systems is precisely the area which comes under attack from COVID-19. Here is an interesting video on this point.) Clearing depression and grief from the emotional layer of this chest area. Then under this, clearing fear.

Light is emerging

Now, with these discordant feelings cleared, the uplifting light is able to emerge from deep within the physical body. This light seems emanate from a point below the chest and is rising through the whole of the upper body. I notice that in addition to compassion, forgiveness is also now present in this flow of pure potential.

There is something about this offering to the web of life which feels like weight lifting. This is because upliftment of the field is helping the texture of the astral field to simplify. I noticed about a month ago the astral field had folded so tightly in on itself that some parts were buckling. This was something new. There was a lot more anxious energy in the web of life, resulting from the pressure. The buckling was obstructing flow.

The flow of light in and through this healing session has been valuable. The flow of light in our bodies and healing collective is helping to release pressure and unbuckle the web of life.