Thymus: Simple Definition and Role
The thymus is a gland that sits slightly above the heart chakra. This small organ is responsible for most functions of the immune system. Although immune cells are born in the bones, they travel to the thymus to mature.
Energetic Perspective
Energetically, this small organ is very motherly. It is responsible for overall protection of the entire body. So it must be discriminating. For instance, as immune system cells mature, the thymus decides which are suitable for release in the body and which are not. If one experiences allergies, deeply-buried, unprocessed fear and anger can send misinformation to the immune system and Thymus.
The heart center is where we understand our deep, essential truths. When we deny, repress, or ignore our truth, this will create discord in the middle of the chest and can adversely affect the thymus.
It’s interesting to note that the astral body is intimately connected to the immune system. In fact, the center of the astral body and the center of the immune system are both located in the heart chakra area.
Healing for the Immune System
(Estimated viewing time: 8:57 minutes)
Free Energy Healing for the Immune System
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