I use the phrase Angelic Energy to describe what others may call angels. The reason I am not using the word angel is because it’s my perception that this aspect of creation is not separate from ourselves.
The word “angel” denotes a being outside the context of self. With respect to energy healing, however, it’s my experience that the collective level of the body capably manifests all subtle expressions of being. Therefore, we all have access to angelic energy because it is actually an expression of ourselves.
Furthermore, the specific value that we think of as angelic energy is, in fact, a manifestation of our future self. Because the collective level of self is independent of space and time, it is capable of bringing together the present and future self or the past and future self. And why does it do this? It does so for the sake of creating balance through the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness. In other words, to help us progress along our life path.
Please take a few minutes to enjoy the following short videos. In them, Dorothy explains the above principles in more detail, and offers concrete examples as well as healings.
Angelic Energy Videos
Angels as our Future Selves in the Present Moment
Angelic Healing for Feelings of Unworthiness
Understanding Angels
Check out Dorothy’s YouTube Channel for more free energy healing videos.
And lastly, you might enjoy more articles in her Knowledge Base.