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Shoulders, Arms, and Wrists

Home Healing Practice for Shoulders, Arms, and Wrists

First, before I share the healings for shoulders, arms and wrists, here is an energy view of their role in our lives.

We manipulate the physical world with our words and our hands. Our shoulders are the first extension of the core energy center (Vishuddha/Throat Chakra). They are our platform for extending into the world. The responsibility of action rests in the shoulders. The shoulders represent the initial intentions behind action. 

Each joint from shoulders, arms and wrists to fingers represents a phase of the Divine Dialogue.

The right side of the body represents external resources and outward flow of intention, from the Source of creation to the material field.

The left side represents our inner resources, the reflective, or integrative trajectory of life energy. So in order to experience healing for shoulders, arms and wrists, let’s start by understanding their specific roles:

  • Shoulders – responsibility, resources, strength, ancestral foundation, fundamental beliefs;
  • Elbows – capacity to expand and extend to the goal, development of ideas and resources, the ability to coordinate between oneself and others (eg. hugs); 
  • Wrists –  practical aspects of realizing intention: plans, timing, coordination, alignment with the environment, etc. The wrists are the point where the single intention expands to the multiplicity of details which bring the plan forth; 
  • Hands – the junction between intention and reality. Realizing the vision. The hands (and voice) are where the “rubber meets the road” regarding personal interaction with the manifest field of life.


Healing Shoulders, Arms, Elbows, …

(Estimated viewing time: 21:28 minutes)

Energy Healing for Wrists

(Estimated viewing time: 26:22 minutes)

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Healing for Shoulders

This healing is activated as you read or listen to it.

Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing, to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is, and thank you to the ancestors.


  •  I am seeing threads of light ascending through our shoulders. This energy is radiant with compassion.   
  • This softness and compassion is increasing suppleness in the web of life. As a result, it is releasing imbalances from our collective field.   
  • And as this flow continues, I am noticing it drawing discordant feelings from the depths of the emotional body, up and away from the physical form. 
  • With these discordant feelings cleared, uplifting light is able to emerge from deep in the physical body. 
  • The flow of light in and through this healing session has been valuable. The flow of light in our bodies and healing collective is helping to release pressure and buckling in the web of life. 


Here is an audio recording of this healing.

There is a lot of very light energy moving up and out of the chest. I am seeing threads of light ascending through the shoulders. This energy is radiant with compassion.

The movement of this energy is a subtle action. Usually such actions are attributed to angels. (I use that word ‘angels’ with some hesitance. Understand that such actions evolve from one’s own body, one’s own consciousness.)

Furthermore, this energy coming up through the upper body has a sound. The sound is associated with the music of heaven. Again, this is a function of your own body. To clarify, the glories of heaven—including angels—reside within the field of your consciousness.

Release of imbalances

There is such a delicate softness in this energy, a compassion or we could say charity. It is received effortlessly by the web of life. Charity is a tool of self-protection for humanity. Dharma underlies charity. (Dharma also sustains other tools of self-protection: austerity, devotion, medicine, and meditation.) This softness is increasing suppleness in the web of life and is releasing imbalances from our collective field.

The flow of light is both softening and purifying. The amount of compassion increases as the softness and purity increases in the field of life. And when the collective field purifies, pressure eases on all our bodies.

We are understanding how the folds of the astral field—the web of life—influence the material world. Moreover, we are understanding how the astral field affects its nearest neighbor, the emotional body. This offering of soft compassion increases the ability of these aspects of ourselves to receive the light of Divine Source.

Removal of discordant feelings

As this flow continues, I am noticing it drawing discordant feelings from the depths of the emotional body—up and away from the physical form. Depression particularly is dislodging from the emotional body. These discordant feelings are being released directly through the skin.
These feelings were held mostly in the upper body, and chest area. As a result of the discordant feelings leaving, systems and organs of this area are experiencing a release of pressure.

A deeper layer of potential healing is revealing in the chest area. This area involves the functions of the heart and cardio-pulmonary system. Consequently, the relationship between the respiratory and circulatory systems is precisely the area which comes under attack from COVID-19. Clearing depression and grief from the emotional layer of this area. And under this, clearing fear.

Light rises through the whole body

With these discordant feelings cleared, the uplifting light is able to emerge from deep in the physical body. Furthermore, the light seems to be emanating from a point below the chest and rising through the whole of the upper body. In addition to compassion, forgiveness is also now present in this flow of pure potential.

There is something about this offering to the web of life which feels like weight lifting. Upliftment of the field is helping the texture of the astral field to simplify. I noticed about a month ago the astral field had folded so tightly in on itself that some parts were buckling. This was something new.

There was a lot more anxious energy in the web of life, resulting from pressure due to the buckling obstructing flow. In conclusion, the flow of light in and through this healing session has been valuable. Furthermore, the flow of light in our bodies and healing collective is helping to release pressure and unbuckle the web of life.