Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
The Collected Energies of All of your Ancestors are Contained within the Ancestral Archive
The ancestral archive is an energy structure that is both physical and subtle. What are the physical and subtle aspects of the Ancestral Archive? DNA and consciousness.
Your DNA is the physical manifestation of all the bodies that have contributed to your current form. Congenital imbalances may have an ancestral component. Furthermore, your ancestors’ consciousness is encoded within your DNA. And that consciousness is also present in subtle form as your inner most feelings, tendencies, beliefs, personality patterns and habits. Thus, you are the embodiment of their immortality. And as a result, your ancestors have a strong vested interest in your experience and evolution.
We know that DNA molecules have the ability to evolve through replication, repair and transformation. Our DNA connects us to our dear ancestors, and their souls continue to evolve even after they have left their human existence. Their evolution is reflected in the changes constantly taking place in our body at the molecular level.
Accessing your Ancestral Archive Through Energy Healing
It is fully possible to access the ancestral archive through energy healing. This is because a sacred space for all ancestral information exists within the field of consciousness. Most importantly, this space is accessible when we’re willing to enter with the intention of all good for everyone.
Healing in the ancestral archive requires the willingness to enter with the intention of all good (highest good) for everyone. Activating support of the ancestors begins with an attitude of gratitude, homage, love and dignity. The more good your love can do in that place, the more awakening of all the ancestors will result.
In this sacred space deep within us, the stories of our ancestor’s lives reside as feelings and impressions. Using energy healing, we access this ancestral archive and enliven consciousness. And then, through our own DNA, we can heal inherited illnesses and imbalances. In doing so, we heal ourselves and our ancestors directly.
This is possible because, through consciousness, we can traverse time and space without effort. We can therefore go back in time and heal the suffering of our forbearers. When we take such an action, the body becomes liberated from imbalances that sit in the DNA. And at the same time, our ancestors directly benefit from the healing.
As they evolve, your DNA evolves. And as you evolve—as your tendencies, beliefs, thoughts and feelings naturally evolve to reflect your higher purpose—you are helping the ancestors.
Offerings of Gratitude and Love from your Ancestors
It is our ancestors’ nature to offer their gratitude and love to you for doing this vital work on their behalf. Subsequently, depending on how many ancestors are involved in the healing, you may experience massive waves of love from them. An effective way to handle this situation is as follows: simply allow the love and gratitude to wash over you and come to rest in the Source of Creation.
The Source of Creation, represented by Mother Divine, values our love above all else. When the love comes to rest in that bed of Wholeness, there is a reply of grace and blessings which cannot be measured. If you allow this grace to wash through you to your ancestors, through the ancestral archive, the result is more waves of love. These in turn elicit more blessings, and a cycle is created which spins to infinity.
When that happens, those with clairaudience will hear a ringing sound. Whether you can hear the music or not, the infinite cycle of love and grace becomes a structuring value in the body, uplifting it from the molecular level and healing genetic imbalances from the inside out.
Tarpanum – offering to the ancestors is a wonderful way to return this gratitude and love to your ancestors.
Ancestral Archive Summary
Through energy healing we can access our ancestral archives and heal the past, present and future. And you will experience that having good relations with family members is basic to the healing process, and beneficial to all aspects of life.
Family Treasury: Energetic Signature of Ancestors’ Lives
Family Treasury is a term used to describe the silent inner core of the double helix of the DNA. In this inner space, resides an archived energetic signature of the spiritual value of the lives of the ancestors.
This area of the ancestral archive is a tremendous resource for individuals who are expanding into their full potential.
For more information on the Ancestral Archive and Family Treasury, please view the following videos.
Archive of the Ancestors and the Family Treasury
(Estimated viewing time: 8:10 minutes)
Ancestral Healing to Support the Ability to Self-Love
(Estimated viewing time: 9:55 minutes)
Energy Healing for Ancestors and DNA
(Estimated viewing time: 10:15 minutes)
Healing for Ancestors & Family Karma
(Estimated viewing time: 5:35 minutes)
Healing at the Pacific Ocean for our Ancestors
(Estimated viewing time: 8:28 minutes)
Enjoy more videos at Dorothy’s YouTube Channel
And click here to find out more about Dorothy’s Energy Healing services.