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Subtle Bodies: The Abstract, Collective Levels of the Body

The Four Subtle Bodies

The Subtle Bodies are the four most abstract levels of the body. These levels of the body are collective in nature, and exist outside the constraints of space and time. 

The subtle bodies are, from subtle to dense:

  • Absolute Being folded into its own nature (Nirguna Brahm)*
  • Absolute Being awake within its own nature (Saguna Brahm)* 
  • Causal body
  • Astral body

It is important to note that the range of manifestation of the Self, from abstract to concrete, is actually a smooth continuum of Divinity expressing itself as form. However, for the sake of facilitating the energy healing process, this smooth continuum is divided into layers or bodies. Thus, we have a road map for focusing attention concisely on the area required for most effective healing.

*The field of Vedic Science unfolds the reality of Nirguna Brahm and Saguna Brahm.

Absolute Being

In my work, I use different terms to define this level of ones’ Self, such as Absolute, Pure or Divine Being, Self, Source of Creation, Silent Source, Pure Awareness, etc. Each term illuminates a slightly different facet or perspective on this level which is indescribable, eternal, qualitiless, and ever-present.

Energy healing builds upon the infinite potential of this level of Self to promote healing, evolution, and progress in all aspects of life. This is because Being is a field of infinite resource, wisdom, awareness, energy, creativity and more. Consequently, the resources required to meet any challenge are contained therein. 

In energy healing, our awareness ‘refers’ to the Absolute Being level of Self, over and over. This process expands understanding of the nature of the challenge, the nature of the healing process, the resources required to meet the challenge, and the embodiment of Divine Being. One technique to accomplish this is the Energy Healing Algorithm. It is a simple process that leverages the infinite potential of consciousness to promote healing at every level of life. 

The Causal and Astral Bodies

These finest manifest levels of self are where the body’s most powerful healing potential is realized. Infinite, human potential is born of integrated, balanced, holistic functioning of the causal and astral bodies.

See separate webpages on the Causal and Astral bodies.

Also see Subtle Realms of Creation: Energy Signatures from Dark to Light.

Also see Activation to Perceive Subtle Energy Realms for Energy Work


Underneath the Physical: Our Seven Subtle Energy Bodies

(Estimated viewing time: 17:34 minutes)

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