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Energy Healing Algorithm and How to Use It

An algorithm is a process, or a set of rules to be followed, in order to solve problems. The energy healing algorithm is a highly effective healing process. The algorithm for healing is a process for the attainment of pure truth, creation of energies which heal the body, and full body transformation from illness to … Read more

Energy Healing for Herpes

Free Energy Healing for Herpes Before we offer an energy healing for herpes, let’s consider why herpes is such a challenge to overcome. The reason that herpes is so hard to overcome is because the virus has a very hard outer shell. Normally our body’s immune system destroys viruses by taking a DNA sample of … Read more

Energy Healing for Teeth and Gums

Teeth and Gums

Teeth and Gums: Breaking Apart Complex Experiences and Setting Boundaries Energetic Role of Teeth Teeth are the hardest tissues in the body. As such they represent the laws of creation under which we live. They define boundaries in the field of experience that keep life on track. Boundaries contextualize experiences so that we can process … Read more

Energy Healing Matrices: The Body’s Scaffolding

Astral body

Energy Healing Matrices What is an Energy Healing Matrix? Energy healing matrices are sacred geometrical structures that are comprised of threads of consciousness. Consciousness appears as threads, streams, or channels at the astral level of creation. Within the web of life (another name for the astral plane) threads or meridians of consciousness pervade every particle … Read more

Energy Resonation: Vibrational Shift in the Energy Patterns of Humanity

Energy Resonation

What is Energy Resonation? Energy resonation, that is to say in healing standards, refers to an increase in coherent group consciousness on the planet. To illustrate, it is becoming increasingly evident that our planet earth is changing her vibrational pitch. Specifically, a faster vibrational, purer energy of healing, love and peace is replacing a slower … Read more

Etheric Body: The Bridge Between Ideas and Forms

Etheric body

The Etheric Body—One Degree Less Manifest than the Physical Body The etheric body looks and feels much like the physical body. The dense values of the five primal elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) make up the physical body, and the subtle forms of these primal elements make up the etheric body. The shape … Read more

Falling: an energy healing perspective

At its deepest level, falling represents losing your anchor to the Source of creation, aka “Falling from Grace.” It happens when the dynamics of separation shroud the anchor to your true Self. The dynamics of separation, however, are not actually an enemy. If there is an enemy, it is when the experience of separation clouds the reality of your … Read more

Fatigue After a Night’s Sleep: Purification and Spiritual Practice

Bharat Spiritual Serene Peace India

Fatigue After a Night’s Sleep Let’s consider fatigue after a night’s sleep and our spiritual practice. It is not uncommon for people on a spiritual path to wake in the morning feeling tired. Often, they feel as if they have been working all night long. But don’t despair, there is a reason for this—the body … Read more

Flow of Consciousness: Engaging the Power of Creation

Consciousness—Unmanifest Silent Wholeness becoming the Diverse Manifestation of Creation The Flow of Consciousness moves cyclically from the unmanifest ocean of silent wholeness to the infinitely diverse manifestation of the whole creation. The Source of Creation, Pure Being, is unmanifest, yet responsible for all that is. The manifest level of creation is a commentary on the … Read more

Fungal Infections: Recognizing Negative Energy Resonation

Recognizing the energy signature of the fungus invader and disabling its negative energies Fungal infections, as with other infections, are connected to a false, inner experience of separation. They can also arise from an incomplete integration between individuality and universality. The “invaders” are understood in terms of Self when the self-integration is total. (That is … Read more

Ghee: Clarified Butter, A Multipurpose Oil


What is Ghee? Ghee is clarified butter, and considered to be the essence of milk. The process of heating the butter removes water and milk fats. When done properly, it leaves a golden-colored oil useful for a variety of purposes. One of the traditional uses for ghee is as a cooking oil. It enhances flavor … Read more

Hand Chakras and Healing

Healing Energy Centers of the Hands Hand chakras are healing energy centers that allow us to receive and send healing energy. They are located in the palms of our hands, and at each of our finger tips. Anyone can use these chakras to heal by placing their hands over any part of the physiology that needs … Read more

Healing Back Pain

healing back pain

Self Healing Practice for the Back – Healing Back Pain Our backs are amazing! The back is the scaffolding upon which the whole body rides. Because of this role, there is a harmonious correlation between the complex system of the back and the astral body. Healing back pain can be facilitated energetically. Just as the … Read more

Healing Depression with Energy Healing

Overview – three main points: 1. Depression and suicide grow stronger in the presence of negativity. For this reason, direct attempts to destroy them don’t work. True change has to come from a deeper level. 2. Experiencing thoughts indicates that awareness is stationed in the active area of the mind. When the mind engages in … Read more

Healing for the Hips

light medicine

It is not surprising that an ever increasing number people need healing for the hips. We spend more time sitting at desks than our ancestors did. Sitting for long periods of time can be bad for one’s health, especially for the back and hips. (See healing back pain here.) If you are in an occupation … Read more

Healing Space – How to Activate

Healing Space

What is a Sacred Healing Space? The sacred healing space is a region of consciousness where healing is optimized. It is nested within the larger space of your pure potential – in other words, within the blueprint of who you really are and are becoming. The laws of Nature in this space support purification, integration, … Read more

Healing the Knees: Home Practice

This hand chakra energy technique provides a wonderful healing for the knees. Start by watching video below. It explains how to use your hand chakras to heal any part of the body. Healing with the Hands Video (Estimated viewing time: 10:36 minutes) For healing the knees, I use a sitting position with several pillows under … Read more

Heart Chakra (Anahata): the Fourth Chakra

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra: Unconditional Love, Compassion, and Joy The heart chakra Anahata is the fourth chakra. It is located in the center of the chest. The organ there is the thymus, the gland responsible for overseeing the immune system. The planet associated with this chakra is Venus. The energy of the heart is love – a … Read more